Final Chapters 5: Shamballa

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Kryptonia walked around the depths of Shamballa and checked on every coffin of Nemesis and the Ten Elites. She knew that the time would come for the invasion of their home. The Crests of Each Elite's coffin glows yellow, meaning that the time to awaken will come.

She sighed as she felt some loneliness in her. She was the only Child of Thales who was still loyal to her Master. Aster defected, Kronya was rescued by Byleth and Sirena, Kryptonia's beloved younger sister, was killed by the boy she kidnapped, Linhardt von Hevring.

As she was about to leave, Myson approached her.

"Lady Kryptonia." The man bowed. "How are preparations?"

"They are finished. I told Bias to prepare the Titanus, Pittacus will order the doors to be locked, Chilon will call for reinforcements and Dolofonos, Anaximandros and I will defend Thales to the end." Kryptonia said. "As for Odesse, he said that he will prepare the Einherjar for their awakening. Remember your role, Myson. Do not fail me."

"Understood, Lady Kryptonia." Myson bowed and left.

"Myson, you were always like a father to me..." Kryptonia sighed. "You always treated me and my sister well... I miss you, Sirena..."

Meanwhile, the group had arrived at the entrance of Shamballa.

"Why, oh why, did it have to be dark here?" Camila groaned. "Odio la oscuridad..."

"Are you speaking Spanish again, Camila?" Alfonse looked at the brown haired girl with concern.

"Sí." The Summoner nodded. "It happens when I'm bored, there's something I hate... or when I can't speak properly the language I'm using."

"Anyway, we have arrived." Indech said. "We will have to be careful if we want to achieve victory."

"Correct." Gamora added. "Let's go."

Everyone ventured on except for Byleth and Rhea.

"Is something the matter, Rhea?" Byleth asked the Archbishop.

"Be careful..." Rhea said. "These enemies have one target in mind... and that target... is YOU, Dear Child..."

"ME?!" Byleth gasped.

"Indeed." Rhea said. "It is because you have the power of the Goddess Sothis, my mother. The Argathans despise Sothis, so they will kill you without hesitation. Be careful, my dear child. Do not die out there."

"I'd say the same to you, Rhea." Byleth nodded. "And sorry I snapped at you..."

"No need to apologize." Rhea shook her head. "You all opened my eyes."

Later, the group arrived at the battlefield. Kryptonia glared at the group.

"Everyone!" She looked at her troops. "The monsters who have taken our homeland from us have arrived! It is time that we show these beasts that they do not deserve the terrain that we have obtained! We have to avenge the lost souls! And reclaim what is ours!"

The Argathans cheered.

"Titanus!" Bias casted a mysterious spell. "Awaken and protect your Master!"

Suddenly, the robotic creatures rise as they have been activated.

"What are those?!" Sharena shook her head. "Seidjarn?!"

"Those are Titanus." Aster said. "They are the guardians of Argatha activated by magic. Only Cleobulus, Thales, Bias and Myson can master them."

"We have to defeat Bias to shut them down!" Kronya said.

"Everyone, split up." Seteth said. "One group will take the left while the other group takes the right."

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