Chapter 22: Parting Ways

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The students get word of the rebellion done by Grand Duke Rufus and the Western Lords of Faerghus.

"Why would the Western Lords rebel?" Yuri hissed. "Dimitri is not king yet."

"It seems my uncle is against my coronation." Dimitri shook his head. "They must have been angered by Lord Lonato's sacrifice and the Western Church's downfall."

"But Niðavellir caused Lonato's sacrifice." Ashe shook his head. "What lie would they come up with?"

"It seems that Our ememies came up with the lie that Dimitri killed Lord Lonato and the Western Church's bishop." Ingrid shook her head.

"Annette." Valeria turned to Annette. "Your Uncle is among the Western Lords. Will he be ok?"

"I got word from my father, who went to Dominic Territory, that my uncle swore loyalty to Dimitri and that the Western Lords and Grand Duke have no right to question the current bloodline of King Lambert." Annette answered. "He will be fight alongside us. And so will I."

"I'm glad that we won't be hurting each other, Annie." Mercedes smiles.

"Let's hurry to the Kingdom." Hapi ensured. "The citizens are in danger."

"You won't be going alone." Jeralt said as he, Shez and Shelle arrived.

"Father?" Beles gasped. "And who are they?"

"We're just some lone mercs." Shez said. "And we are here to help you."

"Thank you." Byleth nodded.

"No probs." Shelle winked. "Let's get going."

"Of course." Dedue nodded.

Camila could see dark clouds forming... as if a bad omen is coming.

It had to rain... The weather turned terrible when  they arrived to Fhirdiad. Camila and Caspar were not fond of thunderstorms, but while Caspar had a grounding charm that would protect him from lightning, Camila doesn't even had anything to stop the thunder.

The carnage had only just begun when no one listened to Dimitri's peace offerings.

"What is this?!" Felix hissed. "This isn't what was expected!!"

"Calm... down, Felix..." Glenn said calmly. "Focus."

"That... barely helps, but alright." The dark indigo haired young man nodded at his long lost brother.

Suddenly, a girl with teal hair with a part of her hair being blue using magic against the rebels.

"Wait..." Sylvain said. "That young lady has the banner of the rebels, but she is fighting against rebels?"

"I'll go talk to her." Ingrid rode her pegasus to the girl.

"Ah!" The girl gasped. "Lady Ingrid?"

"Wait... are you Ilna, the daughter of Viscount Kleiman (does Viscount Kleiman have any offspring or is he too young?)?!" The blond haired girl gasped. "Why are you fighting your father's troops?"

"I had no intention to turning against Prince Dimitri." Ilna, the girl, sighed. "But my father is so insistent."

"Please join us." Ingrid held her hand. "You'll be safe."

"Thank you" The teal and blue haired girl smiled.

"Ilna Kerstel Kleiman..." Ingrid thought to herself. "I value your dedication."

As time passed, Viscounts Mateus, Gideon, Elidure, Duval and Pryderi retreated.

"Look who arrived." Rufus Theirry Blayddid glared at Dimitri, Aredbhar in hand. "The monster in disguised as a man."

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