Final Chapters 4: Tragedy in History

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Near Arianrhod, Beles and Ashe decided to keep an eye on who is approaching them. Hubert had told them about what happened to Claricia. Ashe knew about that pain since both his birth parents had passed away from an illness.

"Hey, Bell?" Ashe went to his girlfriend. "I don't know how Linhardt will be able to concentrate... his mother is... you know."

"Don't worry, Ashe." Beles said. "I am sure Linhardt will recover. One nap and he will be fine. And he has Caspar to keep him concentrated."

"It was like that one time in the Holy Masoleum." Ashe added. "I nearly lost myself when I saw the people who used Lonato for his death..."

"I understand how you feel, Ashe..." Beles sighed. "When I was facing Solon... something must have awoken between me... it must have been boiling anger."

"You wanted revenge..." Ashe said. "You believed Solon killed your Father..."

Before Beles could respond, Byleth, Edelgard, Caspar and Linhardt arrived. Ashe went and hugged Linhardt. The green haired slowly hugged his Blue Lion classmate in response.

"Thank you for keeping an eye on camp, Beles." Byleth nodded to his sister.

"Of course, brother." Beles said. "Seteth and the others are waiting."

"Of course." Edelgard nodded. "We will be there." She turns to Ashe. "Thank you for showing your empathy, Ashe. No wonder why Beles is so proud of you."

"Of course..." Ashe said. "I... lost my birth parents to illness."

"Ashe..." Caspar sighed. "I didn't know."

"Don't worry, Caspar." Ashe nodded. "It... was a dark part of my past."

As soon as they entered the Silver Maiden, Valeria and Count Rowe were having a massive arguement.

"I told you! I did not manipulate him!" Valeria shouted.

"Don't lie to me." Count Rowe huffed. "You lured Lonato to his demise on that day!"

"Enough, both of you!" Yuri raised his voice. "You are demoralizing the others!"

"What is happening?" Beles asked.

"Count Rowe started another pointless argument." Felix scoffed. "This time is related to Lord Lonato... Sorry, Ashe."

"It's alright." Ashe smiled.

"I have proof that this witch persuaded Lonato to his failure of a rebellion and killing him!" Count Rowe glared at Valeria. "She must be executed by the King! Why did she even get the chance to-?!"

"I said enough!" Yuri stood between Valeria and Count Rowe, pointing his dagger at the latter.

"You dare to point your knife at your father, Saterasis?!" Count Rowe glared at his adoptive son. "After all the effort I did to raise you?!"

"You didn't raise me at all." Yuri growled.

"Everyone, please stop." Ashe went to the three of them. "We can't be killing each other during the war."

"Alright..." Count Rowe, Yuri and Valeria say in unison.

"You are too kind for this cruel world, Ashe." Yuri sighed.

"Count Rowe, when all of this is over, King Dimitri and I will have a word with you." Edelgard glared at Count Rowe.

"Y-yes, your Majesty! Count Rowe shrieked.

Yuri and Valeria tried to hold out their laughter from Count Rowe being afraid of the Adrestian Empire.

After that debacle, everyone ventured to Lake Teutates, where Seteth and Flayn went to a small memorial and placed flowers. No one except Camila and Sothis knew of the relationship between Father and Daughter.

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