Chapter 12: The Lance of Ruins

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The students who were not involved in the situation with the Ashen Wolves were suddenly told what happened (except for the Sothis part) and Introduced to the Ashen Wolves. When asked what happened to Byleth...

"He is left in coma after that Umbral Beast battle." Manuela answered. "Who knows if he will wake up. Lady Rhea and Captian Jeralt have been watching over him ever since."

"Won't he be cured for the Battle of the Eagle and Lion?" Marianne asked. "We will be short a Professor."

"Only time will tell." Hanneman shook his head. "For now, focus on your studies and the mission at hand."

"We will tell you if anything happens." Manuela continued. "He is your Professor and someone special to the Monastery."

"Thank you, Manuela..." Dorothea smiles grimly.

The two Professors left. A huge silence occured and the mood turned tense. Felix stood up.

"This is all that man's fault." He hissed. "Not only did he hurt the boar, but he also placed the Professor in a coma."

"Felix, I understand your worries, but please do not lash it out on all of us." Annette looked at her classmate.

Beles started crying. She had to endure a kidnapping and now her brother was in a coma. Ashe comforted her to cheer her up. His actions and words calmed her down.

As for the Black Eagles, they kept being determined and brave thanks to Edelgard. And the Golden Deer were not so effected by the situation, but they were worried about Byleth.

"By the way, I heard about this month's mission." Yuri scoweled. "I heard Miklan, the leader of this bandit group, is very infamous for pillaging villages and abducting women. I despise guys like him."

"The better to fight him." Sylvain said without a single care.

"Sylvain, that's your brother." Caspar asked with concern. "Aren't you worried about him?"

"Don't worry." The dark orange haired young man shrugged. "He is only a bandit to me."

"Linhardt, you're sitting out, right?" Edelgard looked at Linhardt. "I'll tell Seteth and Professor Jeritza about that so they may have you watch over your mother."

Camila just realized that Lady Claricia von Hevring, Linhardt's mother, was visiting and she was one of the reasons Linhardt was sitting out on the mission.

"Goddess..." Marianne prayed. "Please protect Linhardt."

The night before the mission, Caspar was at the training grounds, packing up his stuff.

"Whew." He wiped some sweat off his forehead. "Today's training was brutal. If I want to help Professor Byleth, I will have to train more. To think someone like him ended up in a coma. No. Don't think about it, Caspar. You have to stay positive." He sighed. "I need to talk to Raphael. Anyway, Time to hit the sack and-"

Suddenly, some screaming was hears from the student dorms. He suddenly recognized the scream and ran to Linhardt's room.

He swiftly opened the door and looked around for Linhardt. Why was this room a mess of Crest Research and books? Suddenly, he saw his friend lying on bed, completely pale.

"Linhardt!!" The cyan haired boy ran to the green haired boy and comforted him.

"Caspar..." Linhardt tried to hold out some sobs. "It was terrible..."

"Oh no." Caspar knew this was a nightmare. "What did you nightmare about?"

No noise was heard except for Linhardt's sobs and shaky breath.

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