Interlude: The despair of Seiros

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In Garreg Mach Monastery, Seteth walks in the Captains' quarters to pack up Jeralt's things since Alois was busy burying the deceased knights alongside Catherine, Shamir, Rodrigue, Gustave and Holst, Hanneman and Manuela were tending to the wounded, Jertiza went to Brigid with Petra and Flayn was with the Professors.

"It befalls on me to do this assignment since the other knights are focused on recovery." He said, taking out Jeralt's old stuff. "I have to admit, this place looks gloomier than when Jeralt passed. These enemies... Argatha... I won't forgive them for what they did... Especially since they forced most of us to overwork ourselves... especially-"

Before he could finish, Jeralt's diary fell to the floor. He stopped what he was doing and picked up the book.

"Is this Jeralt's diary?" The green haired man asked. "It looks clean despite it looking so old... One of the knights had said to me that when he returned, Byleth looked so different. Perhaps this could be a clue."

He opened the diary. There was a bookmark on the pages Byleth had read in the diary. Imperial Year 1159... Horsebow Moon. Sitri's demise, Byleth's strange behavior, Alwin's diagnosis, Jeralt leaving the monastery literally the same time as the great fire.

"What is this?" Seteth gasped. "So Byleth and Beles' arrival... Jeralt's return to Garreg Mach... Could it all lead to the mystery of the Great Fire?!"

Seteth headed off to find Rhea when an argument between the Archbishop and Alwin was heard.

"I told you, I do not have anything to say." Rhea said.

"STOP with your lies!" Alwin shouted. "Do you even know what you've done?! You nearly had your blind devotions get to the better of you all because of some goddess who perished long ago!"

"Alwin, do not speak of the goddess in such a disgraceful way!" The archbishop closed her eyes and continued her calm manners of speech.

"I was there, Rhea." The doctor continued. "Jeralt took Byleth to me to examine how he was feeling. He has no heartbeat! He cannot feel normally unlike everyone else! And yet you dismiss it as childbirth!"

"Sitri perished as soon as she birthed the twins." Rhea continued. "I was there when-"

"What about when I examined her boy's chest?" Alwin interrupts her. "When Jeralt said that he was afraid of you? When he decided to leave the Monastery with his kids all because you continued your lies?"

"Stop spreading false rumors about-!"

"That is enough, Rhea." Seteth walks in. "Alwin is right. Jeralt and Aelfric distanced themselves from you because of the twins' birth."

"I have nothing to say, both of you." Rhea said. "I must await the students' return so I can prepare Byleth for one more trial."

"Rhea. I read Jeralt's diary." Seteth confirms what he saw.

"WHAT?!" Rhea's calm demeanor turned to despair.

"The children who were supposedly lost in the Great Fire... they have returned to us." Seteth continued. "Tell me... what did you do to Byleth? Nothing... questionable, I suppose? Not only that... he has the same hair and eyes as us. There is no need to hide anymore secrets, Sei-"

"ENOUGH!" Rhea shouted. "None of you were there when Mother perished!! None of you were there when our kind was brutally slaughtered and transformed into living weapons!"

"Rhea..." Alwin was shocked.

"I will bring her back... bring my Mother back..." Rhea continued. "Þrúðr, Göndul, Reingleif, Skuld, Herja, Geiravör, Svipul, Róta, Olurn, Skögul, Gunnr, Sitri... they failed to hear Mother's voice... but Byleth... BYLETH succeeded to connect with Sothis... the Progenitor Goddess awakened within Byleth..."

"Seteth, what is goin on?" Alwin turned to Seteth.

"Rhea... let's settle down and talk this out." Seteth went to Rhea.

Instead, Rhea went outside Garreg Mach, glowing green.

"I will find you, Mother..." Rhea muttered to herself. "And I will bring you back... then you, me, Cichol, Cethleann, Macuil, Indech, Gamora and Maida can reunite."

She then transforms into a white scaly dragon and flies away towards the west of the continent.

"Rhea!" Seteth shouted.

"Is this... a dragon?" Alwin gasped.

"Not just a dragon..." Seteth shook his head. "That is the Immaculate One... the guardian who watched over Saint Seiros... but Rhea transformed into the Immaculate one."

Catherine ran up to Seteth.

"Seteth, what is that thing in the sky?!" The Holy Knight of Seiros asked.

"We do not have the time to answer." Seteth shook his head. "The shadow is headed towards the direction of Lake Teutates! Let's go towards the Professors and their students!"

"I'll come too." Alwin said. "I may not be a fighter, but I have the ability to heal others."

"I am glad to have you on our side." Catherine nodded.

Suddenly, an owl appears and gives Seteth a note from Camila.

"They're headed to Brigid because of Duke Aegir's rebellion?" Alwin shook his head.

"These Imperial Nobles really are corrupt!" Catherine growled. "Except for Counts Hevring and Bergliez and Duke Gerth."

"Come, friends!" Seteth grabs his Spear of Assal and Ochain Shield. "We shall help our allies send justice to Duke Aegir and our allies!"


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