Final Chapters 3: The Battle For Brigid

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Brigid Archipelago

As Duke Ludwig von Aegir was preparing to seize Brigid's Castle, Viscount Dolores von Fenja arrived by order of her leader.

"My lord, you asked to see me?" the viscount bowed, her brown hair and hazel eyes almost shining in the sun.

"Ah, Dolores." Duke Aegir smiled. "Just in time. I see that you and Menja did the preparations."

"Indeed." Dolores nods. "With Brigid by our side, we can prepare ourselves to save Adrestia from that childish Emperor, Edelgard."

"Her Majesty does not know how to rule an Empire." Ludwig shook her head. "If she is no more, then we have led Adrestia to its true salvation. We were supposed to destroy that filthy church and its Archbishop... but his regency abandoned us and not only that, that Flame Witch turned on us!"

"I also bring some reports." Viscount Fenja added. "It seems that Count Varley has joined our cause and Baron Martyn is bringing him here as we speak."

"I am surprised that we managed to persuade Grégoire of all people to our cause." The prime Minister hummed. "And the others?"

"As expected, Marquis Vestra was killed by his own son during your capture and Counts Bergliez and Hevring remain loyal to that child Emperor."

Duke Aegir took a deep breath.

"I should have thought gold would persuade Leopold and Waldemar, but those fools are blinded by their devotion!" He snarled. "No wonder why his regenship nearly held their families hostage in order to persuade them. Dolores, prepare for the interrogation of Duke Gerth!"

"Yes, my lord." Viscount Fenja bowed and left.

Duke Aegir sighed as he looked at the documents he was writing.

"Ferdinand... my son..." He sighed. "If the moment of our fight ever comes... you shall be the one to kill me."

Edmund Territory, Leichester Alliance

It was nighttime and the group set up camp so they could regain their energy for their trip.

As Raphael and Balthus started a campfire and Claude set up some meat Leonie got from hunting, there was a huge silence. It was like everyone was focused on recovery, the task at hand or fixing their inventory.

Yuri, Hapi, Rene, Bernadetta and Ashe were stargazing, with the former two teaching the latter three about stars and constellations, despite Bernadetta being a shut in, Ilna and Monica were talking about the history of their homes, Constance was practicing magic, Aster was writing to her sister, Kronya, who was staying in Abyss ever since she became a target for Thales, Ignatz was painting and Valeria was polishing her dagger.

Camila sat by the soil, humming a song quietly so no one could hear her. Soon, she would sing slowly.

"♫I swim and sail on savages seas♫ ♫With ne'er a fear of drowning♫ ♫And gladly ride the waves of life♫ ♫If you will marry me♫"

Everyone stops what they're doing and turns to face her. She was no singer, but she had a good singing voice.

"♫No scorching sun nor freezing cold♫ ♫Will stop me on my journey♫ ♫If you would promise me your heart♫"

She stops as soon as she looks up and sees that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HER ALLIES PRESENT WERE WATCHING and she becomes a shell of silence since they heard her singing, despite it being the sound of a whisper.

"♫And love me for eternity!♫" Dorothea broke the silence with her angelic voice, being a former singer of the Mittlefrank Opera company. "♫My dearest one, my darling dear♫ ♫Your mighty words outstound me♫ ♫But I've no need for mighty deeds when I feel your arms around me♫"

"♫But I would bring you rings of gold♫" Ferdinand walks up to Dorothea and grabs her hand, causing the songstress to blush. "♫I'd even sing you poetry♫ ♫And I would keep you from all harm if you would stay beside me♫"

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