Support: Old days (Byleth and Edelgard)

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Part of Byleth misses being a Professor while part of him wishes to return as a mercenary... though Jeralt's mercenaries won't be the same without Jeralt.

He became a full mercenary when he was ten, sis years after Beles decided to travel with Jeralt. His first kill was when a man stole his father's hard-earned winnings. The last thing the man saw was Byleth's expressionless face.

"I got your money back, Jeralt." Byleth said as he gave a small bag of money stained with blood.

"By... what did you do to that man?" Jeralt was shocked to see that a ten year old was capable of killing.

"I follow orders... He told me to kill him... so I did..." That is what he said.

Then, when he was 13, he had fallen ill, which made him incapable of moving, which made Jeralt rush to a village in Adrestia called Remire, where he met Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude.

"Aren't you Captain Jeralt the Blade Breaker?!" The village chief gasped.

"Yes." Jeralt answered. "I need your help. Please. Help me heal my son. He fell ill and collapsed while we were travelling."

All Byleht could remember was that he and his family had returned from Gaspard Castle, where Jeralt took an errand from Lord Lonato and his son, Christophe Lancelot Gaspard, and that is also where Beles met Ashe, and another memory he had was feeling dizzy and collapsing.

He could not recall Alwin or the village doctor tending to his illness or staying at Remire for five days. Jeralt never told him.

Another memory that came was 1176, when Beles went to the Fhirdiad School of Sorcery since she was the only one who was good at magic. How did she and Constance not notice each other while they studied at the same YEAR?

He remembered a conversation he had with her.

"How do you know magic?" He had asked her. "No one in Jeralt's mercenary group knows magic. Do we have magic prodigies?"

"I learned it from Alwin." Beles answered. "He was like a teacher to me and he saw the potential of magic that I have in me, so he reccomended me to go to the Fhirdiad School of Sorcery."

Byleth also remembered that Mercedes and Annette also studied at the Fhirdiad School of Sorcery. So did Lorenz, but he had to drop out for political conflicts in Faerghus.

Then... there was the battle between Jeralt's Mercenaries and Berling's Mercenaries.

He had mercilessly (and emotionlessly) cut down many recruits of Berling's gang until he saw their captin... Captian Berling.

"Now isn't that a sight?" Berling smiled. "You must be the infamous Ashen Demon. I can't wait to tear you apart."

Byleth amd Berling fought. She was a Bow Knight, but she was no match for him.

"Nngh!" The Mercenary Captainess hissed. "How could I be losing to some kid?!"

Byleth then dismounted her of her horse, which ran away in fear. She was about to fire an arrow, which the young Mercenary breaks and then he stabs her in the chest.

"No..." She winced. "Just... when my dream... was finally... in sight... you... mons...ter..."

Byleth then removes his sword off her chest. As he was going to retreat, he heard footsteps. He turned around and saw a pair of purple haired twins in Shez and Shelle.

"You... you'll pay for this!!" Shelle yelled.

"Stand down or die." Byleth ordered.

"We're gonna stand... and we're gonna fight." Shez growled. "And we're gonna avenge the captain!!"

Byleth did not wish to remember the rest... except that Shez and Shelle had changed and that Beles ordered a full retreat.

Now... Byleth is... or... was... a Professor at Garreg Mach's Officer's Academy. Staying at Enbarr, the Capital of the Adrestian Empire. Jeralt is gone... Beles is now at Faerghus with Dimitri and Camila and Alfonse are at Garreg Mach with the Knights of Seiros.

He finishes writing a letter to Camila. He was going to deliver it to Garreg Mach when a knock was heard.

"Come in." He said.

Edelgard came in quietly.

"Apologies for interrupting you, Professor..." She said. "Well... I don't know if I shall call you Professor anymore since we are no longer at the Officers Academy..."

"It's alright, Edelgard." Byleth smiles. "I had just finished. And you can call me Byleth."

"Byleth..." The  Imperial Princess muses. "That is a wonderful name."

"You... think so?" Byleth is surprised. "Thank you, Edelgard."

"What do you plan to do, Byleth?" Edelgard asks.

"I plan to stay by your side." Byleth states. "Until then... I will think on either returning to Garreg Mach as a Professor or inherit leadership of Father's Mercenary group."

"Is that so.." Edelgard looks sad. "I was... hoping you would have been part of Adrestia as a free person."

"Even if there were flaws... I loved my life as a mercenary and as a Professor..." Byleth sighed. "But... I will consider it."

"Thank you, My Teacher." Edelgard smiles. "Cam I ask you one favor... will you... forsee my coronation as the next Adrestian Emperor?"

"Of course."


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