Chapter 23: Funeral

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Monica went to the cathedral, where Aster was praying. Kronya was taken to the infirmary since Rhea believed the latter's story.

"You." The red haired girl said. "You say that you know that Kronya girl. The girl who tried to kill me before someone saved my life."

"Ah..." Aster said. "About that... Kronya... is my Older sister."

"She's your sister?!" Monica gasped.

"Yes... And the person who saved your life is me..." Aster continued.

"So you are the one who saved me?" The Ochs noblegirl was shocked. "And I thought..."

"You thought no one was around?" Aster asked. "It seems that for a short time, I had convinced My sister to spare you. This got her distracted for you to run off and meet my envoy there, but the black haired young man captured you and took you elsewhere... away from my sister."

Monica remembered the details Alfonse had told her before he went off to help the Golden Deer about Ótr and Eitri due to his current situation.

"That prince said that there are two people targetting him." Monica said. "And that he cannot get back home thanks to that situation. I memorized every detail. I have good memory."

"I am impressed." Aster chirped. "No one can ever do that."

"Now Tomas, Linhardt's captor and Professor Byleth's attempted killer are on the loose and Captain Jeralt's dead." Monica added.

"I hope things fix themselves." Aster added.

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The 29th day of the Ethereal Moon was a solemn day, for it was the funeral of Jeralt Reus Eisner.

A lot of Important People were present, among them were Rodrigue, Glenn and Felix's father (though he hasn't noticed the former yet), Count Bergliez and his family, Count Hevring Lady Claricia, Holst Sigiswald Gonreil, Hilda's older brother, Judith von Daphnel, Count Erwin Fritz Gloucester, Margrave Matthias Raoul Gautier, Count Gugnnar Galtea, Ingrid's Father, and many more.

Duke Ludwig von Aegir and Count Grégoire von Varley were unable to attend.

The students, Yuri, Constance, Balthus, Hapi, Rene and Monica were wearing their Evening Uniforms, with Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude and Yuri keeping their House Leader Capes, the Knights of Seiros were all wearing black armor, Alfonse had to end up wearing a black version of his Askran Prince outfit, the same outfit he wore for his Father's funeral, Sharena was wearing a black version of the Askran Princess armor and Camila was the odd one out, wearing a dark blue dress.

Jeralt's coffin was placed on top of the altar. It was a mix of brown and orange, the color of his armor.

The coffin was closed by both Byleth and Beles, his surviving children.

The wreaths of Duscur flowers were carried by Soldiers of Duscur who Dimitri recruited, Gilbert, Catherine ans Alois and placed ontop of the coffin.

Camila stays seated since she is not accostumed to standing up. Alfonse holds her hand to prevent her from shaking.

"You don't have to stand up if you don't want to." He whispered to her.

Rhea approached the altar and gave a mourning speech. She described Jeralt's life as the captain of the Knight of Seiros, his romantic life with Sitri and the Tragedy that is Sitri's death.

Byleth noticed that Rhea did not give the details of how he left Garreg Mach or how he died. Something that gives him relief. He thinks she did it for his sake.

Later, the coffin was taken to the graveyard, buried at the same grave as Sitri. A new tombstone was written.

Here lies

Sitri Eisner

Born ?? of the ????? Moon, Imperial Year 1139 - Deceased 20th of the Horsebow Moon, Imperial Year 1159

Jeralt Reus Eisner

Born ?? of the ????? Moon, Imperial Year ????, Deceased 28th of the Ethereal Moon, Imperial 1180

May their souls sleep in the Goddess' Eternal Embrace

Leonie had to be comforted by The Golden Deer class as she continued to cry. She was Jeralt's first and beat apprentice...

Byleth and Beles comforted her as well. Leonie is always greatful for that.

Flowers were placed on the gravesite by Hapi, Rene, Marianne, Annette, Ashe, Dimitri, Lorenz, Dorothea and Bernadetta.

Alfonse watched as condolences were given to the Eisner twins and Manuela, Hanneman, Hanama and Jeritza (he never became the Death Knight in this new timeline) discussed on how to help the Students and faculty.

"I can't remember the last time something like this happened..." Sharena said.

"It must be during Father's funeral." Alfonse said. "We were showered with condolences and apologies."

"Yeah..." The Askran Primcess added. "You never stopped blaming yourself... especially..."

"Please..." The kindhearted young man kindly stopped her. "Don't..."

"Sorry..." the blond and pink haired girl said. "That was... inconsiderate of me..."

"It's fine..." The Askran Prince smiled. "It... never stopped raining..."

"Yeah..." Sharena nodded. "They say the Goddess is mourning... which is why it's raining..."

"It was raining as well when we took back the Lance of Ruin." Alfonse stated.

Before the conversation could continue, Shez approaches them.

"Come on." He said. "Let's go back inside."

"Of course." Alfonse nodded. "Sorry."

As the nobles went back to their territories, the students, Knights and Faculty of Garreg Mach returned inside the Monastery.


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