Interlude: Kindness of Cethleann and Wisdom of Cichol

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After the battle of Brigid, while the rest of the group were strategizing with Seteth, Catherine and Alwin about their journey to Lake Teutates, which is near Rhodos coast, which is near Western Church territory, Linhardt was practicing spells on Amalthea and Caspar was polishing his axe and gauntlets. Byleth, Leopold and Waldemar approached them, the latter with a saddened expression on his face.

"Huh? Father?" Caspar saw their arrival. "And Professor Byleth and Count Hevring? Is something wrong?"

"Caspar... Linhardt." Byleth said. "After the battle, your fathers and I had a talk and... you'll have to go back to the Empire for a bit."

"I thought I was not well trained to be the Heir of Hevring." Linhardt said. "And Caspar is not the heir to House Bergliez, but Cyrus is. Is something wrong?"

"Linhardt... your mother's illness got worse." Waldemar sighed. "Her time is running out."

Linhardt suddenly stopped. He dropped Amalthea to the ground as his body turned pale in horror.

"This... can't be real.." The green haired boy shook his head. "She had written that she was feeling better... how did-?"

"Her illness developed for the worst." Leopold shook his head. "As she was helping reestablish the Southern Church, she had collapsed in front of the crowd. Gloria, Caspar's mother, and some of the common folk, took her back to Hevring territory, where she was bedridden."

"And you want us to go back for the final goodbyes?" Caspar sighed. "Does Edelgard know?"

"Unfortunately, I do." Edelgard said as she walked in on the conversation. "I got word of it from Fleche and Randolph, who were with Claricia at the time... Ladislava had been keeping an eye on the Hevring estate just in case some of Duke Aegir's loyalists attacked."

"Linhardt... I..." Byleth turned to his student.

"It's alright, Professor..." Linhardt tried to hold back sobs. "This might be the last chance I see my mother..."

Byleth, Waldemar, Leopold, Caspar, Linhardt and Edelgard sailed through the ocean towards Nuvelle territory. Fortunately, Hevring Territory. Mozghuz Field was used as a shortcut when they arrived at the Hevring Estate.

When they entered, a maid led them to the entrance to Countess Hevring's room. Gloria von Bergliez, Leopold's wife and Caspar's mother, was just outside, tears streaming down her eyes.

"Leopold..." The cyan haired woman went to her husband. "It is a relief that you are here... Claricia... she won't-"

"It's alright, Gloria..." Leopold put his hand on his wife's shoulder. "Being there for her would make her happy..."

"Lady Bergliez..." Edelgard bowed. "May we please eneter..."

"Claricia only wants to see her husband and son." Gloria said. "But... It would be an honor to let you in, Your Majesty."

"Mother... can I at least accompany Linhardt?" Caspar went to his mother.

Gloria must have gotten word from Claricia that both of their sons got together when the green haired woman showed her a letter from Linhardt describing how he had confessed to Caspar at the Goddess Tower on the day of the ball.

"Alright." The cyan haired woman nodded.

She opened the door to the bedroom. Inside, Claricia was lying down on her bed, her skin ghostly pale, she was barely breathing, and her long green hair had grown shorter due to her illness.

Edelgard and Waldemar entered without hesitation, Linhardt, on the other hand, didn't want to enter since it smelled of blood due to Claricia having to cough up blood because of the illness, but Caspar tightened his grip on his boyfriend's hand as a sign of comfort.

"Greetings, Lady Claricia..." Edelgard said quietly. "I... was honestly hoping you would heal from this disease... I apologize for not taking my time..."

"It is alright, Your Majesty..." Claricia smiled before coughing blood. "What matters is that you are a good role model to my son..."

"Claricia..." Waldemar said with his usual attitude despite his growing sadness. "You were as stubborn as I am. And that makes me proud to be your beloved husband."

"Waldy..." Claricia continued to smile. "Thank you for everything." She turned to her son. "Linhardt... my dearest son..."

"Mother..." Linhardt tried to hold out the sobs that came out of his mouth.

"It relieves me to see that you have grown out of your trauma." Claricia kept smiling. "I was afraid that it would overcome you... please... don't give up on living... keep being yourself..." She coughed up blood. "Lin... my dearest son... I will always... love you..."

Claricia von Hevring took her last breath and closed her eyes. She died peacefully, surrounded by her husband and son, accompanied by the Emperor of Adrestia.

"Mother! No!" Linhardt ran to his deceased mother's body lying down on her bed. "Please... I still have much to learn... from you..."

"Linhardt... I'm very sorry..." Edelgard went to her classmate. "I couldn't keep your promise... I also wanted her to heal from her illness..."

Linhardt broke down in tears. Caspar embraced him as he too tried not to cry. Edelgard still kept her empathy and remained by Linhardt's side. Her Father, Ionius IX, was battling a fatal illness as well and his time is also running out.

The Emperor believed that Linhardt blamed himself for being unable to help his mother. She will atone for the broken promise she made herself.

At night, Byleth to Edelgard's location.

"How is he?" Byleth asked.

"He cried himself to sleep." The silver haired girl answered. "Caspar said that they will meet us in the morning. As for Waldemar, he will have two weeks for Claricia's funeral. Fortunately, Leopold is with him."

"I see." The former Professor nodded. "They do have two of the qualities the nobles of Adestria should inherit: The Wisdom of Cichol and the Kindness of Cethleann"

"I agreed." Edelgard said. "So... did you get anything from the others?"

"I got a message from Beles." Byleth siad. "It says that they will meet us at Arianrhod so we can continue our journey at Rhodos Coast."

"The Silver Maiden..." Edelgard said. "Isn't it under the watch of Count Rowe?"

"Yes." Byleth said. "Rowe, alongside Matteus, Gideon, Elidure and Kleiman are loyal to the former Grand Duke. But I doubt they will be doing anything suspicious now that Dimitri is king and Cornelia is dead."

"I see." The Adrestian Emperor nodded.

"Let's rest up. Maybe Linhardt will feel better." Byleth was about to leave.

"Wait, Professor..." Edelgard held out her teacher's hand. "Can you Byleth instead?"

"Of course, El." Byleth smiled. "I promised to stay by your side... always"

With a soft kiss on the lips, Byleth departed to one of the guest rooms the Maids at Hevring Estate left for him.

Edelgard's face was blushing as red as the cloak in her uniform. Then, realization ensued when she went through what just happened.

"Hubert is going to verbally destroy me and the Professor once he learns of this..." She thought to herself.


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