Abandon Me

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The following day, I head straight to my office and type away furiously, hoping to make up for the piles of work I never managed to address the day prior. I remember Liam telling me about his meeting, so I use the opportunity to work without distraction. There is a lack of conversation in the office today as we all hurry to meet deadlines and complete tasks set by Lesley. I'm pretty sure the entire workplace is feeling the same strain we are to finish the new set list by the upcoming due date. Even Keira is completely hushed, burying her head in papers and binders. I know that if it can keep Keira quiet, it must be a stressful time. 

My phone pings loudly and I mumble an apology to my office-mates as I go to respond, turning my phone onto silent. It seems not everyone is feeling that strain....

"Can you escape for a few minutes?"

Liam. I can't resist the smile sweeping across my face and make no efforts to resist his plea. I cross my fingers that whatever he needs from me isn't work related. The clock tells me it's only 9:30 and I've barely been in work for half hour, though no one will miss me for a few minutes.... surely. 

"Now why would I do that?" I type back teasingly, my fingers shaking with excitement.

"Please, I need you now."

Heat gathers in my core and my body is once again ignited by his words, even through a screen he has this effect on me. It's almost as if he is begging, I must have heard Liam say the word "please" five times in the entire time I've known him. He's not someone who uses manners, I'm used to him demanding or expecting things from me. I shoot upright and attempt to slip out the door without too much commotion. 

"Tiffany!" I hear Geoff call out of the blue. 

I groan, I literally had one foot out the door and what it is that couldn't wait. I plaster on a false smile and ask him what he wanted. The smile definitely falters as he rattles off a list of things both Keira and I need to complete in order for him to meet his own deadlines which lasts forever. I watch the clock ticking and fight the urge to just run away and face the consequences later. The thought of Liam nibbles at my mind and practically drags me out the door. I don't want to keep him waiting, I can't risk him losing interest.

Time moves so slowly and I shuffle closer to freedom with every word Geoff utters. I hope he doesn't realise I'm distracted, but then again, I am too riled up to care. I shuffle about in the doorway, feeling completely chained down. The second he slows down his speech I babble an excuse and dart out of the door, rushing down the hallway to my new favourite place. I know I have got to stop letting Liam define my work ethic and my mood, it isn't healthy. Though right now it just seems so right. 

My feet skim the floor which disappears beneath me as I practically jog towards Liam. I silently pray that he hasn't lost interest in the minutes it took me to escape. I open his office door without knocking and he is standing right before me as if he was waiting at the door for my arrival. He paces towards me, grabbing my waist and pulling me into the air. I feel my feet leave the floor and I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist, our bodies forcibly finding their way to each other within seconds. He slams my back into the door which shuts as a result of the movement, our lips pressed against each other's fiercely.

"In a rush are we?" Liam whispers, his face inches from mine.

"I didn't want to keep you waiting." I mutter back, breathlessly.

He chuckles, his eyes glinting brighter than I have ever seen. My dress is riding up my legs and he seems to notice, pushing it up further with his free hand, the other supporting my back as I sit on his waist.

"Good girl." 

His voice makes goosebumps appear on my entire body so easily. Liam gently carries me over to the spare desk and lays me across it, a position I have been in before. He climbs over me and I gasp his name. I mean it to come across in a scolding manner, instead it comes out in a moan.

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