Yours, Always

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I stand, rooted to the spot and frozen in fear. I have never felt this shock before in my entire life. My knees threaten to buckle beneath me and I fight with my own limbs to stay upright. A few members of the gathering crowd sprint down towards the train station. There's nothing else for me to do.

Without wasting another second, I follow mindlessly and jump back into action. Liam and I have been through too much and I'm almost convinced that he's the love of my life. He can't be dead. I wont let him die. 

I can't

I haul my exhausted, shaken body over the train station barriers. With the dress I'm wearing, everyone probably just saw my underwear but that is the least of my problems. My bare feet scratch agonisingly against the dirty underground floor. I hear a man shout in the distance but I fail to stop and acknowledge him. All I can do is cry out Liam's name repeatedly in hopes that he provides me with a response. I wish for any sort of sign that he's alive. Anything.

I race down the slope onto the platform, scanning the area for him. I couldn't decipher where he landed from so high up on the bridge. It's a large station and the early hours of the winter morning provide very little light. I send a silent prayer that no trains are due as my heart thuds against my ribcage relentlessly. I reach the edge of the platform and drop to my knees, hanging over the ledge dangerously. My dress is riding up and my fingertips are still bleeding from the sheer grip I had on the bridge but none of that matters. 

I yell out as a pair of arms grab me roughly and hold me back from tumbling into the tracks myself. It's odd that for Liam, all of my fear around trains disappears. It's obvious I'd risk my life for him. I don't recognise who is holding me back but I fight against them, kicking my legs and straining to reach the edge of the platform again. Whoever is holding me is strong, as I throw my entire weight into wriggling free. I have no success in doing so. A few people are calling Liam's name until I jump at the feeling of a fingertip brushing against my knees from down below.

A dark pile of soot moves beneath my positioning on the platform so I yell out for help until my voice cracks and I lose all vocal strength. I realise that the pair of arms holding me belong to Gareth as he moves in front of me to look down at the tracks himself. He keeps a tight grip on me as if I'm being arrested. 

"Let me go!" I yell with everything left inside me. 

"Are you crazy? You'll fall!" He shouts back.

"Help me, Liam is down there! Please help me!!" I gesture towards the pile of soot writhing on the tracks, desperation evident in my voice. 

Gareth finally releases his grip on me for a second before hesitating. I have nothing left in the tank, so collapse on the ground beneath me. He catches my eye, making me a silent promise. He looks to he tracks, then back to me, then back to the tracks and so on. I only realise what he's thinking after he does it.

"Someone help us!" He booms out before discarding his suit jacket to the platform floor and jumping into the tracks where Liam's body lies. 

Screams of terror fill the platform as I lay over the ledge with baited breath. Handfuls of people rush over, including Scott and Geoff. It's insane how many people Liam has wronged yet they're still here risking their lives for him. Even me. 

Gareth manoeuvres himself under the pile of soot and hauls it towards the ledge of the platform. Liam's body is heavy and I realise I'll never be able to thank Gareth enough for this. He's probably the only person strong enough to hoist him up. If he wasn't willing to help then Liam would have died here. I'm sure of it. I reach my hands out for a very dazed looking Liam as his body appears. His eyes are blank and he seems barely conscious. I briskly scan him for any bleeding, thankfully only finding a few cuts and scratches on his limbs. I was so worried I'd find a huge gash on his head, but he must've landed mostly on his feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14 ⏰

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