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Liam's legs move beneath me and I jolt awake, squinting into the light that's flooding through the blinds. I have no idea what time it is, but I am aware that I slept incredibly well with him beside me. I feel refreshed which is just what the doctor ordered. We really are soulmates, everything is better when he's here, even the quality of sleep I get at night. I haul the duvet over my naked body and roll over to grab my phone. My heart drops as I note the several missed calls from Maria lining my screen. Something doesn't seem right, Maria never calls me.

I slip away from the peaceful Liam slumped over the mattress and wrap a silk robe across my body, padding downstairs as not to wake him. I quietly ring Maria back and hope whatever she wants isn't that terrible. She picks up on the second ring, startling me in my sleepy state.

"Tiffany! Thank god!" Her relief concerns me.

"Sorry, I just woke up. What is wrong?"

"I didn't know who else to call! Me and my husband were supposed to be going on a romantic night away in Paris to celebrate our anniversary but the babysitter cancelled!"

I sigh a huge sigh of relief, the endless morbid possibilities of what could have happened flooding down the drain.

"I can babysit! I love children, don't worry." I assure her.

"Thank you so much! you're a lifesaver!"

"It's no stress. I'll get ready and be right there." I inform her, hanging up and making towards the shower.

I head up the stairs with the blissful background noises of Liam's stuffy snores.


I forgot about him and the possible exciting plans we could've had this weekend. My heart throbs at the idea of missing out on a magical adventure with him, but I know I can't let down a friend in need. I decide to take a brisk shower while he sleeps and let him down gently afterwards. 

Once I open the door and watch all the steam flow out into the light of the rising day, I pull the towel firmly around my chest and bask in the warmth for a moment. My damp feet slide along the hallway carpet which allows little balls of fluff to form at my toes. The second I enter the bedroom I catch eyes with Liam who is sitting bolt upright in bed with an unreadable expression on his face. I wait with baited breath, knowing he can be unpredictable. What if he tries to leave me again? The thought makes chills run down my spine. He has left like this before, when everything seems to be going great then all of a sudden the commitment gets too much and he runs for the hills. 

"Where were you?" he mutters emotionlessly, though he seems dazed and sleepy.

"In the shower." I almost gulp.

His face lights up with a smirk, washing relief all over my body. "Without me?"

I roll my eyes at his cliche comment and lay out an outfit for the day, ignoring his playful jabs. I decide on a pair of grey denim shorts and a blue t-shirt, tossing another outfit to the side to pack in a bag for the next day. I run around grabbing toiletries and items needed for the overnight at Maria's. Liam watches me curiously, his eyes following me around the room.

"Where are you going?" he mutters, puzzled.

"I'm so sorry, Liam, but we can't spend the day together." I sigh, sitting on the bed opposite him at a safe distance.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asks, his eyes round and twinkling. His expression sets my heart on edge, so I daringly reach across the bed and grab his face in my hands to reassure him. He doesn't know how to be in a relationship and it's my job to reassure him.

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