Illuminating You

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I stroll into the kitchen a little late in the afternoon. I usually hate laying in, but today I could tell it was my body's way of telling me I needed sleep. So much has happened lately and Liam has exhausted me mentally. Not all of it is his fault, but it is draining even so. I shuffle along the cold wood flooring in slippers and a dressing gown. The winter has been harsh and chilling this year. I have barely stopped to think about it when I feel like a whirlwind is always moments away on the inside.

"Happy Christmas eve." Liam greets from the table, siping hot chocolate. The mess of yesterday's meal still sits in the sink. I pretend it doesn't bug me. I also take note that hot chocolate is a very un-Liam-like drink. I love when he shows his carefree side through little mannerisms like this one. I can almost see the inner child of Liam, settling with his tiny legs crossed and a warm mug nestled in his palms. 

"Morning." I giggle.

"You slept for ages."

"You exhaust me." I fire back.

He laughs as I come to join him at the table. It doesn't really feel like Christmas. I have been so caught up in Liam and I that I have barely had time to think about it. The holidays have crept up on me so fast and I can barely believe it's Christmas eve already. I managed to buy a few presents for people but other than that, I haven't done any of my usual traditions. I haven't even decorated. I always made such an effort to love Christmas in my adult life. I started doing this for Keira, but as time progressed I grew to love it too and it healed something that was broken within me. It's odd, having such a messed up childhood. Little things like Christmas slip away into nothing but a bad memory. 

"You know what I just thought? You have no tree." Liam pipes up as if he can read my mind. 

"I guess I just haven't had time."

"You can't have Christmas without a tree!" He stares at me like I'm crazy, his brows crooked. 

"I think I have one in the loft somewhere."

Liam stands up abruptly from the table which makes the chair legs squeak against the wooden flooring. He reaches for me, grabbing my wrist. This time he does it so softly with no threats and a much calmer atmosphere. I allow him to yank me up off my feet and drag me upstairs. It seems like he is a different person to who he was a few nights ago. I blame the alcohol. It never has a positive effect on him. It's unusual, whenever I am drunk I feel like a better version of myself. I'm never brash or violent like Liam is. I'm just me with a little more confidence and a little more... volume. 

"Liam, what are we doing?" I giggle like a schoolgirl as we pace the steps two at a time. 

"We're decorating the tree!" He announces, dragging the ceiling ladder down and climbing up into the roof as if he owns the place. I've always been so intrigued by the way in which Liam can make himself at home. He never seems at unease in unfamiliar places like I do. I remember the day I first went over to Keira's place. I asked for her permission to enter and even to sit on her sofa. When I perched awkwardly on the edge of the seat she had laughed at me and told me I didn't need to respect her property this much. Maybe this is something of Liam's that I wish would rub off on me. 

He hurriedly throws down ornaments and tosses tinsel, some of it landing on my head and making us both collapse into fits of laughter. He seems so firm and insistent that we need a tree. I wouldn't dare complain. Nothing sounds better that Christmas festivities with Liam. I am taken aback by his enthusiasm, I'd have thought that the household he grew up in would've been enough to put him off the whole season all together. Even so, part of me wishes everyone who doubted us could see us now. We are nothing but a fit of giggles and glee. 

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