Stuck In The Unbroken Daydreams

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With everything that's happened, I decide against being alone tonight and call Keira. I feel terrible as she's under so much stress with work right now, but she picks up on the third ring. I know I can always count on her. 

"Hey, any chance you can come over?" I manage to spit out through sobs. 

"Tiffany? What's wrong??" She asks, her voice is thick with concern. 

"Liam left me."

It seems that's all I need to say. I hear her shuffle about on the other end of the line before her voice changes from concerned to productive. 

"I'm with Alex right now, but I'm coming to pick you up. You can stay at mine." 

Her tone is harsh but it seems much more directed at Liam than me. She always acts this way when she's worried. She's firm and business like. I thank her before hanging up and rushing upstairs to pack a bag. 

I almost cry again when I stand in my bedroom. The sheets had been neatly tucked in and I'm flooded with memories of Liam and I rolling around together. I can't believe it's over. It's really over. I had always been on my guard with him, but lately he had seemed so different and sincere that I got carried away with it all. I truly believed we were building something together. Something he wouldn't just run away from when he got too scared. I had finally begun to trust that he wouldn't run. I had finally let my guard drop, all for him to just abandon me anyway. 

I throw a random ensemble of clothes for tomorrow in a bag and gather up some makeup. My head is too fuzzy to really focus on anything. A lot like earlier, I feel like I am floating but this time due to pain rather than joy. I sit on the stairs and check my phone repeatedly. I wish for a text from him so much that I almost imagine there's one there staring at me from my home screen. He'd tell me he's sorry and he didn't mean it. He'd knock on the door and spend the rest of the night making it up to me. 

But when the door goes, I open it to a very pitiful Keira instead. She wraps her slim arms around me and carries my bag to her car, asking me what happened. I tell her everything from the start, only leaving out the tiniest of personal details. The car zooms along, the journey to her house is only ten minutes but it feels as if it goes on forever. I melt into the leather car seat and barely breathe between words, tears pouring from my eyes. Reliving the whole experience from start to finish is incredibly painful, but somehow helpful as it allows me to organise my thoughts a lot more rationally than I could in the heat of the moment. 

"Wow." She gasps out as I finish. "I didn't even know you two were properly dating." 

"Well, we weren't apparently." I mutter sarcastically. 

We pull into her driveway and she switches her beams off but sits there for a second, her eyes fixed on me. 

"I made Alex put some fresh sheets on the spare bed for you. Have you eaten?" 

"I seem to have lost my appetite." 

She frowns, but nudges my shoulder playfully. 

"Hey. If he was so intent on hiding it, then he isn't worth your tears." 

"I really let myself think he loved me." I sob once more. 

"Look, don't hate me but maybe he did? You said he's terrified of commitment and got lost in a moment with you. Maybe he does love you but just can't face the truth because he's so scared."

Keira's words way heavily on me but I shake my head. If he loved me truly, he'd have told me. He wouldn't have put me through this pain. Maybe from an outsider's perspective it would make sense, but not to me. Not to someone who really knows Liam. 

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