What Drew Us Together Tore Us Apart

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After a whole weekend of replaying Liam's words in my head over and over, I am almost glad to be back at work. I spent the Saturday with Keira at the local bar, finally telling her everything from the hug to the apology. She admitted that his words would've held more weight if he had told me straight away rather than continuing to lie. She also mentioned that he's only sorry he got caught. I got excessively drunk to stop those words spinning relentlessly round in my mind. Keira basically had to slide tackle my phone off me to prevent me from drunk dialling Liam. I was frustrated in the moment, only wanting to hear his voice, but the next day I thanked Keira from stopping me. That would've been a huge mistake. I spent the rest of Sunday hungover in bed, taking Ibuprofen and crying while watching rom-coms. 

Once the weekend had flown by, I pull into the parking lot having made an effort once again. I even curled my hair. Today was important as it was the annual gift giving ceremony. Every Autumn the studio held elections in each department and made people vote for who they think deserved the award. Each winner gained a bonus of five hundred pounds and a huge amount of recognition. Lesley started it as a form of boosting morale and people soon joined in. I'd never won but Keira reckons this year would be my chance. I always enjoyed these sort of days when the entire workplace is bought together. It means I can talk to people who work in far away departments. 

My stomach flutters as I walk into the large meeting room with a coffee tucked beneath my fingers. Liam comes into view the second I enter. He once again seems to pull my focus like nothing else I've ever known. I knew everyone would be in here this morning, but the fact that he's the first person to come into focus makes my chest tighten slightly. We still haven't spoken since his apology, and although he probably hasn't given it a second thought I evidently have. 

He leans against the back wall of the room, his hands nonchalantly in his pockets while he chats away to Gareth. His eyes flutter up to me, obviously sensing that I've entered the room. Maybe he feels the same sense of gravitational pull that I do, even though we both know it would never work between us. I almost hope he calls out for me, regardless of my dismissive stance on us. I know for a fact that we need distance, yet I can't bring myself to stay away when everything inside my mind draws me into him.

Thankfully, he answers my desires as he pages me with a flick of his long, beckoning index finger. I follow my feet over to him without a second thought. I am already in an incredible mood because of the ceremony atmosphere and seeing him is the icing on the cake. I grin up at him, biting my lip slightly and making his eyes trace down my body. I feel an unwarranted sense of desire for him as he drinks in my features. I have to convince myself that one good day cannot undo the narrative he created that destroyed us. Still, thats so much harder when he keeps reminding me why I love him.

"I hear you're up there for camera op of the year again." He smirks at me.

"It's basically the same as an Oscar right?" I joke, resisting the urge to lean into him.

I probably would have done if it wasn't for Gareth. He stares off into the distance but I have no idea of his view on things. Even though I'd done nothing wrong, maybe he hates me the way Keira hates Liam. After everything went south with us, I'd kept my distance from the both of them. Still, I missed being around Gareth. He is gentle and amusing, I wished Liam would take a few tips from him. I still remember the warning he gave me when we last worked together. I should have listened. He probably knew in advance that Liam would do something stupid like end up in Hayley's bed and tear my heart out of my chest. 

"I'll have you know we take awards very seriously here." Liam responds sarcastically, earning a light giggle from me which makes his own smile grow.

For a moment, we are once again laughing into each others eyes. The feeling is so refreshing and uncomplicated on the surface. On the outside looking in, no one could've predicted the issues we are facing.

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