A Spooky Start

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The Bermuda Triangle.....

The storm of the sea raged on in a violent manner. The large ship that tried to sail it's waters began to trash around. The crew on board struggled to keep their heads over the dangerous water.

This ship was carrying none other than world famous monster hunter Van Helsing.

Helsing: Onward, men! This storm cannot be what stops us!

The crew worked as hard as they could to try and keep the ship afloat. One of these crew members was a young boy. One who wore a white button up with a pair of brown trousers and F/C suspenders.

His H/C hair flew wildly in the wind. He grabbed onto a rope to try and keep the sail from turning, but he was just a boy who did have the strength to fight against the winds of nature. You were only 13, after all.

The wind pulled on the sail which sent you flying into the air. You landed inside of the boat, but you slid until your back hit the broken railing. The rain and sea water slashed upon your body while you gasped for air.

You found yourself being pulled to your feet by your uncle. Not blood related. No, this man was the person who found and adopted you after he found you in the middle of the woods.

You couldn't remember anything from before.

Helsing: On your feet, nephew. We must remain prepared for...


You both turned towards the head of the ship.

Helsing: It's here! Brace yourselves!

Y/N: Holy shi-


The monster dove towards the boat while your uncle pulled out his knife.

Helsing: Bring it on!!!!!

Y/N: Ahhhhhhhh!!!!
The Amazon Jungle....

Y/N: Crap crap crap crap!!!

You ran as fast as you could through the jungles of the Amazon. Your feet were burning but you couldn't stop now. Even at 14 years old, you found it hard to run through rough terrain.

You wore a white explorer shirt with a pair of tan khaki shorts and a leather cap. In your right hand was a machete, and in your left was a map to the key to stopping the wild monster's takeover of the jungle.

Said monsters were now chasing you.

Y/N: Uncle! They're getting closer!

You ran while your uncle watched from his position from the trees. He waited as you ran past an unseen rope. Then, he pulled a switch which sent the rope up at ankle level.

When the wild monsters hit the rope, a device hidden in the bushes activated and fired off several darts towards the creatures.

You tripped and fell forward, sending the machete to fly a few feet away and stab into the ground. Your uncle jumped down from his position and walked over to you.

Helsing: Good work, lad. You did remarkably well.

He held out a hand towards you. You stared at it for a brief moment and began to wonder why you still agreed to his plans.

Regardless, you took his hand and he pulled you up to your feet.

You hugged yourself as you walked through the snow storm. It was freezing cold. So much so that you could almost feel the frost bite nipping at your fingers. It burnt your skin.

Monster High: A New Start (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now