Creepy Crybrary

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The Crybrary did not appear on any of the school maps, nor was there mention of it in any report or letter. Had it not been for the words of Signore Vitriola, you never would have known the room existed. As you later learned, the International Monster Federation insisted Crybraries remain clandestine for fear of adventurous students using the information for less-than-appropriate endeavors.

In order to locate the elusive Crybrary, the dormies and you had to unearth the original floor plans for Monster High. Lucky for you, the blueprints were stored in a shed hidden within the maze. After poring over the ink-stained papers, you saw one room located behind the Absolutely Deranged Scientist Laboratory that you believed was the Crybrary. However, when you went to inspect it, you found a janitor’s closet.

Venus: None of these rooms look big enough to be the Crybrary!

Venus groaned after returning to the maze to once again pore over the floor plans. You were with her. The clock was ticking and you had no answers.

Rochelle: We must keep looking. We haven’t any other choice.

Y/N: We could run away and join the circus.

Robecca: Ugh! The circus! They were after me for years. But Father always said no. He thought living in a tent might lead to rust.

You continued studying the floor plans long after the others had fallen asleep atop nearby hedges. Though prickly, the shrubbery was surprisingly comfortable.

Y/N: Hey, ladies, I think I found something.

The girls, who were tired both mentally and physically, did what they used to do to their parents: They rolled over and ignored you. Ever polite, you waited ten minutes before again trying to rouse the interest of the group. Plus you were tired too.

Y/N: Um, I think I’m onto something. Something that will help us find the Crybrary.

Venus shot straight up.

Venus: What? Why didn’t you say something earlier?

Robecca: Venus is right, Cy. You really need to learn to speak up.

Robecca chided you as Penny shook her head at her clueless owner.

Y/N: Of course, Robecca, whatever you say.

Rochelle: The anticipation is weighing very heavily on me. What is your idea?

Rochelle was using a bristly leaf as an exfoliant on her arm. She was always looking for new ways to soften her skin.

Y/N: Actually, I was thinking of Rochelle….

Robecca: Oh, you were, were you? Not that I blame you; she really is the bee’s knees. Plus, she has that great accent. And let’s be honest, everything sounds better with an accent. Deary me, what were you saying? I seem to have gone wildly off course.

Robecca rambled a bit before averting her eyes in embarrassment. You all stared at her before attention was turned back to you.

Y/N: Rochelle is smaller than us, smaller than the average monster….

Rochelle: While that is technically true, I am considered above average in size in the gargoyle community.

Y/N: But she manages to retain more information than the rest of us, reciting codes and guidelines off the top of her head….

Venus: And?

Y/N: Don’t you see? We all assumed that the Crybrary had to be big, and we were wrong. A small space can hold just as much information, if not more.

Robecca: Jeez Louise, Y/N! You’re a genius!

Y/N: I don’t know about that, but I think I might have found the room. It’s the smallest one on the plans.

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