Melodramatic Memories

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Draculaura stared at her own reflection with a blank stare. Her dress looked phenomenal, but what was the point? What was the point of any of this anymore? She let out a sigh which was caught by Clawdeen who was tailoring the seems of the skirt. She looked up at her friend and shared in her sadness.

While you weren't the closest, you were still her friend. You had done so much to help and you've proven time and time again that you truly believed in your vision of peace between monsters and humans. It was actually bizarre to think that you were gone now. You always seemed so.....untouchable.

Clawdeen: I miss him to.

Draculaura looked down at her friend. She looked back at her reflection and stared into her own eyes.

Draculaura: How can he be gone? It's just not possible.

Clawdeen stared at her before placing the pin into the cushion on her hand. She stood up and hugged her friend. Draculaura couldn't even cry anymore. There were no more tears.

You were gone. You were really gone.

You laid on your bed with your eyes closed. The night was slowly becoming day and your slumber was restless. But, still, you saw something. Something you couldn't quite remember.

You walked through a field of flowers. The sun shined marvelously and the warmth filled your body. Your hand brushed against the pedals. A myriad of colours stretched as far as the eye could see.

You then heard laughter. Sweet laughter. You looked ahead to see the silhouettes of several people. You couldn't see who they were, but you knew them. You knew all of them. They were friends, family. And among them stood a female. Like the others, you couldn't see who it was.

But in her arms was something you couldn't quite see. You tried to look closer but......

Veronica: Mr. Helsing?

You slowly opened your eyes to the morning light shining through the port side window. Veronica stood by your bed, gently shaking you awake. Once she saw that your eyes were open, she stopped and gave you space to sit up. She noticed you didn't change from the night prior. You still wore your jeans and the white t-shirt, but your coat was resting on a chair nearby.

You began to rub your head. What a weird dream. What was that even about? Who were those people? You've never even seen a place like that before.

Veronica: Uh, are you alright?

You looked up at her through your hair. Once you pushed it back you gave a half hearted smile. How many people can say that a celebrity woke them up? Especially one like her.

Y/N: Yeah. I'm good. And you don't have to keep calling me Mr. Helsing. Y/N works just fine.

You looked behind you and rolled backwards, landing on your feet and grabbing your coat. You pulled it on and peeked outside the window. Land. You've arrived. Romania.

Y/N: Are we ready to go?

Veronica nodded. You grabbed your things and followed her out onto the deck where you found Abby and Honey already waiting. You pulled your bag onto your shoulders and approached the duo.

They were mid conversation before they saw you and Veronica approaching. You smiled as you reached Honey.

Y/N: Guess this is where we part.

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