New Goreleans

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You had your experiences with private jets before. Mostly for longer travels. If it was only a country or two away, you were more prone to take trains or rent a vehicle. Still, you will never get used to a full sized bathroom on a plane. You checked your wounds with the mirror and redid your bandages. Abbey did good, but she had some work to do.

A knock came from the door and Veronica gently opened it, seeing as it was already cracked opened anyway, and stopped when she saw your state of dress. She blushed a bit before she cleared her throat.

Veronica: You okay in here? Do you have everything you need?

You nodded as you began to wrap the bandages. Veronica watched. She couldn't believe that her uncle did all of this. Or that she was now heading back to her home for the first time in ages to claim her throne as Vampire Queen.

Y/N: You're staring.

Veronica realized that she had spaced out while looking at you. She looked away and brushed some hair behind her ear. You watched her for a second before pulling your shirt back on.

Y/N: Drac said that he'll meet us in New Goreleans. The Court still needs evidence before they move against Stroker.

Veronica frowned. It would be much easier if you had their support, but you'll have to make due for now. You tried to step out of the bathroom, but Veronica stopped you. You gave her a confused look but she just shook her head.

Veronica: First things first. You need a new outfit.

You looked down at your nearly destroyed clothes and looked back at her.

Y/N: Seriously?

Veronica and Abby waited outside of the shop that they forced you into. They said you would need new clothes to avoid being left naked should you fall into another fight. Not that either were really complaining, but they needed you alive.

Abby checked her nails while Veronica rocked back and forth on her feet. She looked over to the much taller girl before clicking her tounge.

Veronica: So, how long have you known Y/N for?

Abby: Long time. We met when he almost died near my home.

Veronica didn't know what to say to that, so she just turned her attention back to the cobblestone street. She then looked up.

Veronica: Was that before or after he started making videos?

Abby stopped checking her nails and looked at the older yet shorter girl.

Abby: What videos?

Their conversation was cut short when the door to the shop opened. They both watched as you stepped out with your new clothes which you fiddled with.

Y/N: I feel a bit uncomfortable.

Y/N: I feel a bit uncomfortable

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