Abominable Adventure

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???: Oscar, wake up. I wanna play.

You opened your eyes to see a girl staring at you. Her accent sounded Australian? Why was she calling you Oscar? Rather, who was she? And where were you?

???: Come on. Mum and Dad are busy meeting with adults. Ozzie and Oswalt are doing classes too. Let's go play in the courtyard.

Ozzie and Oswalt? Who were they? Why did they sound familiar? Wait. Ozmandias. The name you gave that guy when you were trying to learn about Flipper. Is this were you got it from?

???: Come on, Oscar. Wake up. Wake up, Oscar.

Abbey: Y/N!

You eyes shot open when you felt a pain in your chest. You were staring at an icy cave wall. You looked over to see Abbey standing there with bloodstained hands. The white fur on her clothes was also stained red. She had a panicked look on her face, but you couldn't tell why.

That was until you looked at your chest to see that you were covered in cuts and stitches.

Y/N: What....what happened?

Abbey quickly hurried over and began to help you sit up. She then grabbed some bandage wrap and began to patch you up.

Abbey: You were bleeding out. I had to freeze your blood a bit to slow it down.

Y/N: I-Is t-that why I f-feel so weird?

Abbey nodded and finished her patch work. Your torso was now wrapped in bandages your shirt and jacket were discarded in the corner of the ice room. You held a hand to your head as you recalled what happened.

Stroker was planning on using Draculaura to rule from the shadows. You couldn't let that happen. Especially not when it was your friend he was going to use as a puppet.

Abbey: What happened to you?

Y/N: It's kind of a long story. But, can I use your phone first?

Abbey raised a brow.
Draculaura sat in the dark bedroom and cried. Stroker had told he about your death and she still couldn't believe it. It just couldn't be possible. How could you be dead?

There was a knock at the door and Clawdeen opened it. She looked inside and spotted her friend. She immediately ran over and pulled her into a hug. Cleo and Robecca watched from the doorway. Stroker had already sent word to Dracula, so it was only a matter of time before the others heard.

Only, that wouldn't happen. Dracula was currently on the phone with you. Him, your uncle, and Bloodgood listened as you explained Stroker's plot to them on speaker.

Y/N: I think Elizabat has the real Vampire's Heart. We need to find her.

Your uncle sighed.

Helsing: Before that, just...are you alright?

Y/N: Yeah. Abbey patched me up. I used the Monster Mapalogue to get to her.

Dracula: And are the girls in any direct danger?

Y/N: I doubt Stroker will do anything to Draculaura. He needs her. And I think the others are safe too.

That was at least a relief. And you were sure that Stroker was smarter than to hurt anyone. One accident is fine, two is suspicious, but three is when people know something is wrong.

Bloodgood: No one has seen Elizbat in 400 years. How will you find her?

Y/N: Well, I do have the Mapalogue. I can find her with it like I've done with every other monster.

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