Immoral Integrity

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You tapped your foot impatiently as the clock ticked. You felt nothing but anxiety as you waited for class to end. You wanted to find out who had vandalized Monster High the day before. Clawdeen had the scent, meaning you could get it too.

The bell did finally ring and you finally got up from your seat. You quickly left the classroom and made your way over to Clawdeen's locker. You found her fixing her makeup in the mirror she had attached to her locker door.

She jumped when you suddenly appeared.

Y/N: I need some of your blood.

She stared at you with a very scared look. You thought for a moment before you realized what you said.

Y/N: What I mean is.....I need your blood to use your ability so I can find out who vandalized the school.

Clawdeen just continued to stare at you. You both stared at each other before she raised a brow.

Clawdeen: Or I could, you know, smell it myself?

You blinked.

Y/N: That works just fine too. Let's go!

You grabbed her and threw her over you shoulder despite her protests. You then carried her along to help you.

Clawdeen sniffed the wall while you waited. The paint was washed off throughout the day but the scent was still there.

Clawdeen: Yep. Just what I thought.

You watched as she stepped back rubbing her chin.

Clawdeen: It smells like your girlfriend.

You just stood there blankly. Clawdeen waited for you to react, but you shrugged.

Y/N: I'm sorry, but who? I don't mean to sound, like, cocky or anything, but I'm at a crossroads in terms of romance so....

Clawdeen: Lilith!

Y/N: Ew!

You visibly cringed at the thought. But, that was a solid clue. Lilith was up to her usual schemes again. But this time things went way too far...........well they always go to far but this time she finally broke the last straw. You crossed your arms, ready to make the call to go to her directly.

No. That could be cause problems. You didn't want to make this any worse than it already was. She was Hellscream's niece just like you were Helsing's nephew. That could cause infighting with the Monster Hunters, but it could also lead to them setting their sights on Monster High.

Clawdeen: You got your keys?

You looked up a bit confused. You lifted your keys from your pockets, which she snatched away.

Clawdeen: Let's go get this bi×××.

You stood there shocked by her language. You looked around for a moment and let out a sigh of relief for not getting this book canceled. You then hurried to catch up with your friend.
Clawdeen looked at the rather nice house on the otherside of New Salem. It wasn't as dark as the homes she was used to, and it hurt her eyes. You, on the other hand, were dreading having to talk to Lilith. But she was a problem and you needed to fulfill your duty as the glorified hall monitor.

Clawdeen: You ready?

You nodded and approached the door. You knocked and waited. After a moment there was an answer. However, it wasn't Lilith.

Monster High: A New Start (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now