Terror On The Tracks

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You sat on a rather comfortable seat within train cabin. While you had your bag of supplies by your leg, you still felt incredibly uneasy. It was clear that Dracula and your uncle didn't trust this Stroker guy, but why? And why didn't your uncle come with Draculaura instead? Why send you?

You looked over to the others. Robecca, Clawdeen, Celo, and Draculaura. The others stayed back to get things prepared for the crowning and to get Draculaura's things ready to move since you had to leave so quickly. You sighed and looked at your phone where one of those Vampire Queen movies was playing.

Unlike Draculaura, you had no experience with the Vampire Court. Well, any that didn't involve hunting one of the lords that decided to enslave an entire village of normies to use a livestock. Different story for a different time.

Clawdeen: This is very fancy. I can't say I hate it.

Robecca: What was it like to grow up in the Vanpire Courts?

Draculaura smiled as she sipped on a glass of tomato juice.

Draculaura: It was wonderful! The dresses, the dances, the music. It was all magical. When I was younger me and my best friend would sneak downstairs to watch the lords and ladies waltz.

You looked up at the painting that was hung on the wall. It seemed to depict one of these dances. It definitely did look like something straight out of a movie.

Clawdeen: Your best friend?

Draculaura: Elizabat. She was actually Stroker's niece.

Elizabat Stoker? You had heard that name before. She went missing a while ago and no one had seen or heard of her since.

Y/N: What happened to her?

Draculaura: Well, no one really knows. My dad was trying to help her get away from Stroker but she vanished a few days before we left Transylvania 400 years ago.

That sounded suspicious. Super suspicious. Stroker's niece vanishes the same time the search for the next Queen started? Sounds like something happened. Something that Stroker wanted to keep under wraps.

Was that why Dracula sent you? It would be obvious if he confronted Stroker. And if he sent your uncle then Stroker would never talk.

Y/N: Crap.

Robecca: You okay, Y/N?

You looked up and nodded.

Y/N: Yeah. Just, need some fresh air. I'll be back.

You turned off your movie and got up, taking your bag with you. You opened the carriage door and stepped out before closing it behind you. You leaned against the rail and let out a sigh, your breath being visbale from the cold of Transylvania.

Something about all of this was starting to seriously bother you. But, since when was your job to interfere with Vampire politics? This was way out of your league.

You looked up and noticed Stroker in the next cabin. You narrowed your eyes and decided to have a chat. You stepped across the cabins and opened the door, getting Stroker's attention.

Stroker: Ah, young Van Helsing. Did you need something?

You shrugged and walked over. He was reading a book with a glass of wine beside him. Tigor was nearby as well, cleaning a glass. You took a seat against the cabin wall.

Y/N: Just wanted to talk to you. I was thinking about some stuff that I feel you could fill in for me.

Stroker closed his book and smiled.

Stroker: Very well. What do you want to know?

Y/N: Well, you were put in charge in finding the new Vampire Queen, right?

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