Here Comes Cupid

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Going to school during the night has officially messed up your entire sleep schedule.

You yawned as you opened your locker. It has been a full week since you joined Monster High and, despite being the only human in the entire school, you were doing pretty well.

Granted, it was a bit weird being the only human in a school full of monsters.

You grabbed what you needed and slipped them into your messager bag. It was an old leather one that had previously belonged to your uncle. The same uncle who was famous for fighting, and slaying, wild monsters.

You didn't know how well that would sit with everyone if they found out. Thankfully, Ms. Bloodgood informed the staff to avoid using your last name as to not worry the other students.

At least until they were comfortable with you. It would be better than telling everyone that you were Y/N Helsing.

But, still, all you knew about school was just what you had read in magazines. You wanted to get along with everyone the best you could rather than risk throwing away the only shot of normalcy that you had.

Which was why you sat next to Draculaura during math class.

Draculaura: Vampires are so misunderstood. Look, I love Seven Tween, but come on. Not all of us drink know. Have you seen the movie? I'm "Team Over It".

You had no idea what she was talking about. Monster pop culture is different from Human pop culture, after all. You never even heard of this movie she was talking about.

You didn't even mind, truth be told. You were just glad that you were making friends.

Might as well make the most out of all of this.

You and Draculaura walked out of literature arts.

Y/N: Why do dead languages sound like coughing?

Draculaura: I know. Mr. Ringers is all "repeat after me. Grag grag grag."

You laughed at her joke. However, a sudden announcement sounded through the halls.

Ms. Bloodgood: Attention, students. Please make your way to the vamplatheater for a special announcement.

You raised a brow. She didn't mention anything to you. You began to wonder what could be so important.
Everyone made their way to the theater to hear this special announcement. You ended up sitting next to Draculaura and the others.

Y/N: I wonder what this is all about.

???: Yes. What is all this business?

You turned around to find a girl sitting behind you next to Deuce. You had never seen her before.

Y/N: Uh, I don't think we've met. I'm Y/N.

The girl smiled.

???: I am Abbey. I have heard of you before.

 I have heard of you before

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Monster High: A New Start (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now