Familiar Families

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Y/N: So which one do you want to watch first? How the Grinch Stole Christmas- the 1966 animated version or the live action, we are watching both- Elf, A Christmas Story, Santa Claus 1, 2, and 3, we have to watch them in order, or a claymation movie?

Frankie looked up at you absolutely dumbfounded.

Frankie: That’s a lot to choose from.. are you sure we have time for all of them?

After the "snowed in" incident, at least that’s what Viktor was calling it, Frankie was required to spend most of the day with her parents, both of them pretending to care about Christmas or the Christmas spirit so it was pretty late by the time Frankie got to leave. Viveka eventually helped Frankie leave so she could go spend time with her friend, but it was not easy. Frankie had to sit through the whole ‘Frankie is growing up, this is what you get for giving her sixteen years of knowledge in just sixteen days’ she’d heard it before, nothing was new anymore, ‘and growing up means that Frankie is going to want to spend time away from us and with her friends.’

Frankie had to beg her mom to let them actually go to Jackson’s house. Viktor had mentioned that it would be nice if you just came to the Stein’s house instead, but after Frankie brought up the point of ‘we don’t have a proper DVD player’, the subject was dropped and Viktor let her go so he could work on their existing DVD player. Maybe he could get it to actually show color.

So here Frankie was, finally at her friends’ house. Peace at last.

Y/N: Of course we’ll have time for all of them.

You beamed.

Y/N: At least we better. My uncle will lose his mind if he finds out we didn’t watch them all.

There was another reason Frankie needed to go to your house instead of you coming to hers: no parents. Your uncle was still out on his hunt. And no parents at your friends’ house equals a good date night at home. Even if you weren't dating.

Frankie: What if there just genuinely isn’t time for them all?

Frankie broke a piece off of your gingerbread house, eating that piece slowly.

Y/N: He might be ok with that. After checking our necks for hickeys. I swear, he doesn’t even have faith in his own nephew. Or, maybe he does?

Frankie found herself wondering about that.

Frankie: Hey, Helsing pretty much raised you, right? Why does he call you his nephew?

You shrugged as you shuffled through the movies.

Y/N: He said it would've been weird if he found a kid in a forest and adopted him.

Frankie: But that's what he did.

You stopped shuffling and slowly lifted your head. You looked back to her and thought for a moment. He did, didn't he? Then why were you his nephew? Were you actually adopted by him? Were you just a kid?

Frankie noticed the growing confusion and worry on your face. Had you really not questioned it before? Oh no. Did she break you?

You ended up popping open a DVD case.

Y/N: I don’t blame him. It’s a smart move I guess…..

You turned to her and smiled.

Y/N: But nothing is stopping us from having fun watching a movie.

Frankie secretly liked where this was headed, taking a seat on the couch before curling up in a blanket. You were soon next to her, your cozy pjs soon colliding as Frankie quickly cuddled up by your side. You wrapped your arm around her. You may not be dating, but there was no harm in being comfortable with each other.

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