Bloody Revelations

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You dragged yourself through the halls with Deuce walking alongside you. Having not slept the night before due to looking for you, he decided you join you to ask your uncle and Dracula what was happening to you. It was also made clear that no one was actually attending class today. What day was it?

Deuce: I sent a message to the group chat.

You stopped walking and sighed.

Y/N: I think I lost my phone.

Deuce placed a supportive hand on your shoulder. It was a rough night.

You finally reached the headmaster's office only to find it locked. You pulled on the handle and began to frantically yank on it before Deuce smacked your hand.

Deuce: They're probably not here if it's Saturday.

Saturday? It was the weekend? That would mean that they were probably back at Dracula's. That was across town.

You dropped to your knees before sobbing. Why was life so hard? Deuce picked you up and carried you over his shoulder before heading out to make his journey across town.

You sat shirtless while your uncle checked your wounds. Draculaura had already filled them in on what happened the night before when she arrived this morning. She was currently asleep upstairs, also having spent the night looking for you.

Helsing: Impressive. It looks like some tissue scaring, but it doesn't look like it goes beyond that.

He pulled away and rubbed his chin.

Helsing: Well need to get you a new phone, though.

Dracula: I'll arrange it.

You looked up to see Dracula walking in with his book. After learning of happened, he immediately got to work with finding out what was happening to you.

Deuce: So, is Y/N a vampire or what?

Dracula: He's a "or what".

Dracula sat beside Helsing and set the book down. You all looked at the pages and found that there was a drawing. It was of a strange looking creature that appeared to be dropped in leather armor with an evil look in it's eye.

Dracula: This is what is known as a Blood Fiend. Creatures that should no longer exist.

Everyone looked at you. You never heard of this before. A Blood Fiend? That would explain the whole...blood thing. So you weren't even a vampire.

Deuce: So, why shouldn't the exist?

Helsing: Because they require old magic. Something that also shouldn't exist anymore.

Old magic? That didn't make sense. You didn't have any magic. But, there was that dream. The one where you were a child. That boy, the one who called you Oscar, he did something to you. Could that have been old magic? Did it affect your body?

Dracula: Seems like Elissabat's royal blood helped to activate this change.

Y/N: So, I'm not a vampire?

Dracula: It doesn't seem so. But, only the four of us know this. As long as you keep quiet about it, you'll keep your title as Vampire Lord.

That was a plus.

Deuce: Consider it something that will die with me. But, uh, what does this mean?

Helsing: It means that Y/N has just become a massive target. The Monster Hunting Association would want to either eliminate him or take him in to use as a weapon.

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