Soul-Searching Steamboat

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You leaned on the railing of the steam boat and watched as the waves gently crashed onto the side of the vessel. The moon hung high and the others were gathered to eat. You would be joining them soon, but you wanted a moment to breathe. A lot has happened in such a short amount of time. It all felt like dream.

You began to wonder if you could even take on a vampire lord. Your uncle has, but it was also Dracula. He wasn't out to kill him per say. If you ran into Stoker again he would surely be out for blood. He still thinks you're dead, so you at least had the element of surpise on your side. But once that was lost, you had to rely on your skills.

You really hated when things buckled down to violence. When you had to go against Ms. Flapper you were worried about your friends getting hurt. When the video leaked, you were just thankful you didn't have you fight your way through a monster. Well, you did have you survive against the Monster Hunters, but you didn't win that fight.

And to add on top of everything else, your friends thought you were dead. It was better to keep them safe this way. If they knew and Draculaura found out, she would absolutely go for Stroker. She definitely didn't stand a chance. She didn't even have her powers.

Veronica: Mr. Helsing?

You lifted your head and looked back to see her figure standing in the lamp's light. She had dressed down for the evening, only wearing a light purple shirt and a pair or pajama pants with little bat patterns. You kept your laughter to yourself and turned back around so she couldn't see you holding it in.

Y/N: Y-Yeah? Did you need something?

She walked over to the rail next to you and looked out at the ocean. She had filmed many movies by the sea, but she never had to actually travel one. It made her a bit uneasy, but she didn't entirely hate it. The breeze of the ship felt nice and the moon looked beautiful.

Veronica: Are you feeling better? Physically, I mean.

In truth your entire body hurt. You could barely move without wanting to groan in pain.

Y/N: I feel great.

Can't show weakness around cute girls. Even if they're monsters. Especially if they're monsters. And celebrities.........

How did your life get to this point?

Veronica: I just wanted to check in on you. Seems like you're a bit overwhelmed.

Was it that obvious?

You looked back to the water.

Y/N: Nice PJs.

Veronica: Don't avoid the subject.

Y/N: Just saying.

Veronica: I know we haven't known each other for long, but you can talk to me if you need to. We're allies. We have to rely on each other.

You eyed her for a moment before you sighed. This was weird. You had help before. Robecca, Venus, and Rochelle came to mind. Your uncle was usually there for your hunts when you were younger. Even Deuce and Cleo helped you after the interviews leaked. But this time thing were different.

You had Abby and Veronica, even some help from Dracula, but you couldn't help but put this on yourself. When it came down to it, you would be facing Stroker alone. You had little options and you couldn't let him hurt anyone else. This was on you.

Y/N: I'm good. I would have recovered enough by the time we land.

Veronica knew she wouldn't get much more. Still, she wanted to talk to you about something. Anything, really. She was still a fan of your videos after all.

Veronica: Well, do you think you could help me with something?

You looked to her only to see her holding her phone up with both hands.

Veronica: I'm trying to make interesting Scaretoks for my fans, but my camerawork and editing is...less than pleasing.

You stared at her with a face of confusion that made Veronica think of a dog. She thought it was cute, but kept it to herself. You couldn't say you had ever heard of Scaretok, but you did like making content. And if Veronica Van Vanp was asking you for help, who were you to say no?

Y/N: Yeah I'll help. But maybe hold off on posting until this is all over. Wouldn't want Stroker to learn anything.

Veronica agreed. She was just happy to be working with you finally. And once it was all over, you would make a video with her for your channel.

From the second floor balcony Abby watched the two of you with an amused expression. Having known you for a while, seeing you interact with others was always interesting to see.

Honey: Well, aren't they cute?

Abby looked behind her to find Honey Swamp walking over. She joined the much taller girl and watched you and Veronica.

Honey: How long have they been together?

Abby: They met just this morning.

Honey looked at her with wide eyes then down to the two of you. Veronica was doing some kind of dance while you filmed with a smile. You both seemed so close. You haven't even known each other for 24 hours?

Honey: Well, this must be that true love everyone always likes to go on about.

Abby shrugged.

Abby: Maybe. If little Helsing wishes to date the princess then so be it. Personally I think he would be better with little Dracula.

Honey: Who?

Abby realized that Honey had no context on literally anything. She didn't know anyone. Abby awkwardly turned back to watch you and Veronica.

But on the deck, where you filmed Veronica, you came to a realization. Yes, she was beautiful, but this feeling was something you had never felt before. A sense of determination that was stronger than ever before. You smirked.

Tomorrow you would arrive in Romania. From there you'll save your friends. And after that, you'll make the greatest video Bootube has ever seen.

Y/N: And cut.

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