Vampire's Heart

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You and Stroker stood across from each other. You could feel the power flowing through your veins now. It felt funny. Like something was crawling just under your skin. You were cold. Was this what Draculaura always felt?

Stroker growled under his breath. You had died. There should be no way for you to return to life, not even as a vampire. Your heart should be nothing more than a smashed ball of meat. The only way you could've possibly survived is with the blood of the.....Vampire Queen!

Stroker: That brat is the Queen? You've got to be kidding me.

You narrowed your eyes.

Y/N: No one calls my friends brats.

You charged forward and swiped at the older vampire. Stroker narrowly avoided your attack but wasn't expecting another so soon. Your hand moved all the way down and you leaped up, cartwheeling into a kick that caught Stroker off guard. When he retaliated with a swipe of his own, you flipped back and landed back on your feet.

You were always fast. Your size and skill made you flexible and quick. But, with this little upgrade, your speed was unmatched. It felt good. It helped that you felt much lighter as well.

Your speed even impressed Dracula. He was watching your fight while Draculaura helped Helsing sit up. He could feel that his arm was broken. His ankle was probably sprained too.

Draculaura: What happened to him? How is he.....

Helsing: Veronica.

Draculaura looked at him confused. Who was Veronica.

Helsing: She must've turned him. She really is the Vampire Queen.

Draculaura: What? The Queen is here?

Dracula rose to his feet and held his throat. You had things handled for now. He had to focus on Draculaura and Helsing.

Dracula: We'll worry about that later. We need to get you both to safety.

Helsing shook his head.

Helsing: I need to help Y/N.

Dracula: You'll die.

Helsing: So be it-AH!

Draculaura felt him go limo in her arms. She looked up to see her father standing there with a closed fist. He couldn't let him put himself into more danger. Not in this condition.

Dracula: I hope you'll forgive me when you wake up, Vincent.

You charged towards Stroker and leaped up. You pushed off the ceiling and delivered a kick to Stroker's chest which sent him and you crashing through the floor. You both landed on the staircase to the grand hall, but neither of you were surrendering.

Stroker: You think just because you're a vampire now it means you can beat me? Someone ought to teach you common sense, boy.

You rose to your feet and got into a fighting stance. You then lunged at Stroker, only for him to grab your arm and slam you into the wall. Your eyes grew wide, but not for the reason Stroker thought. That felt....odd.

You smiled. It was a smile that made Stroker confused. You were getting beaten.

Stroker: What's so funny, child?

Suddenly, he found your legs wrapped around his neck and his entire body flipped to the ground. You then grabbed his arm and kicked his side, sending him up into the roof. When he fell, so to did several pieces of stone. You then leaped down the stairs and grabbed him again.

You pinned him to the floor and held his arm behind his back.

Y/N: You wanna teach me that common sense, old man? You better make it count.

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