Enduring Evil

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You could only stare. There was nothing you could do. It was as if you could feel history repeating itself. The destruction of the place you called home.

Monster High was being burned to the ground.

And you could do nothing about it.


12 Hours Prior

You sat on your bed and thought about the situation you were in. None of this made any sense. How could Hellscream move against Monster High like this? Why? He hit Clawdeen with a dart and nearly took your hand. Then, he made sure you couldn't go against him by fabricating a lie believed by everyone.

Deuce suddenly hopped down from the top bunk and stretched. Another day awake was another day of school. That was until he noticed your blank stare.

Deuce: What's up, dude?

You looked up and hid your woes with a smile.

Y/N: Just woke up way too early.

Deuce: Really? Figured things with Elissabat just didn't go well.

Elissabat? You suddenly remembered that you haven't spoken to her since Monster High was vandalized. When she asked if you wanted to be a couple. You suddenly got to your feet and hurried out of the room, confusing Deuce. Though the monsters walking by didn't mind the sight of your shirtless roommate.

You hurried to the girls' side of the dorms and reached Elissabat's room, only to find Operetta leaving. She was surpised to find you wearing the same clothes you had the day before as well as a bandage wrapped around your hand. You looked like you had just gotten into a fight.

Operetta: Jeez, you look rough. You alright, hun?

You stopped and looked down at your appearance. You brushed it off.

Y/N: Yeah. Uh, is Elissabat here?

Operetta shook her head.

Operetta: I haven't seen her since yesterday. I reckoned she went to Drac's. Maybe you should ask Draculaura?

You sighed. More people you needed to talk to. Why couldn't it just be one problem at a time?

You quickly left and decided to worry about this later. You needed to check in on Clawdeen first. Make sure she was doing well. And after that, you needed to find out how to deal with Hellscream.

Operetta could barley say anything as you hurried down the hall. You decided to bail on class today. It wasn't like you really needed to be here anyway. If Hellscream was really a threat to the school, then he was the priority. You managed to get outside before running into Frankie and Cleo. They both turned to talk to you, but you quickly ducked into your car.

The girls watched as you drove off without explanation.

Cleo: What was that about? What happened to his hand?

Frankie shrugged. She had no idea what happened. But they were soon interuptted by a visitor.

Hellscream: Excuse me, ladies. But I'm looking for the headmistress' office.
You reached the Wolf's home and knocked on the door. You waited for a moment before the door opened to reveal Harriet. She looked exhausted, which was understandable. But when she saw you she smiled a bit.

Monster High: A New Start (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now