Strange Situations

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The Libury was a cold and drafty place filled with dust bunnies, creaky furniture, and the greatest monster stories ever told. Organized by species, the tales featured or were written by every type of creature imaginable, from the popular to the obscure. These volumes were more than just Ghoulish Literature; they were Monstory, the history of monsters as told by the creatures themselves.

Dr. Clamdestine entered the Libury just as the bell clanged, signifying the start of class. Dressed in a tweed suit with dark brown patches at the elbows and carrying a large leather satchel, the middle-aged sea monster definitely looked the part of literature professor, albeit one with a faint whiff of salt water.

Dr. Clamdestine: Students!

Dr. Clamdestine greeted the class before dramatically lowering his head for a thirty-second period of silence. After which he pulled a pipe from his jacket pocket and continued.

Dr. Clamdestine: I find cleansing my mental palate very helpful before diving into Ghoulish Literature.

Rochelle: Pardonnez-moi, Dr. Clamdestine, but smoking is definitely not allowed at Monster High. Plus, it is very, very bad for you.

Venus: And us. It totally makes me wilt.

Y/N: Also this is a school.

Dr. Clamdestine: This isn’t a pipe, young students. It may look like a pipe, but it is definitely not a pipe. In actuality, it is a well-carved hunk of cheese, one that I will likely eat for lunch later. You see, teaching is very similar to acting; both professions use props to aid in the accessing of different characters. And this cheese pipe is currently helping me access my intellectual persona, the great Dr. Clamdestine.

Robecca: Dear me, I think that sounds a lot more like a circus performer than a teacher.

Y/N: You get used to it, surprisingly.

The ghouls decided to take your word for it.

Dr. Clamdestine: Now then, for my monologue, also known as roll call.

Dr. Clamdestine put away his cheese pipe and pulling out a clipboard.

Dr. Clamdestine: Lagoona Blue? Draculaura? Jackson Jekyll or Holt Hyde? Deuce Gorgon?

As the names of her classmates echoed throughout the room, Rochelle eyed the eternally sunglasses-clad Deuce Gorgon. She found him both handsome and intriguing. Perhaps it was because he wasn’t crafted out of granite or because she was one of the few people at school who might one day look into his eyes. Since she was already made of stone, Deuce’s Gorgon snake stare posed no threat to her.

Dr. Clamdestine: Cleo de Nile?

Upon hearing the name of Deuce’s girlfriend, Rochelle quickly snapped out of her haze, remembering that she too was taken. Why, only a few days earlier in Scaris, she had said goodbye to her lovable gargoyle boyfriend, Garrott. Just thinking about Garrott filled her with overwhelming guilt.

You noticed this as well and decided to stay out of it. It was just a crush. You will say something once it became a problem. For now, she was new and still trying to get a handle on things.

While Rochelle pondered the moral implications of her burgeoning crush, Venus sat next to her, seething with rage over Cleo de Nile’s large collection of shopping bags.

Venus: Look at all those paper bags! It’s downright irresponsible. She’s basically a tree killer.

You slowly lifted your head with wide eyes, knowing that this was not going to end well.

Robecca: Jeez Louise, Venus, don’t you think ‘tree killer’ is a bit harsh? Maybe she just forgot her reusable shopping bag at home. I forget things all the time.

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