First Day Freights

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You found yourself both impressed and horrified by the new school you found yourself attending.

After talking to Bloodgood, you were given your schedule and sent on your way to start attending your classes. However, you felt like you were in the lion's den.

I mean, there was literally a lion just chilling in the gym.

But with all the monsters walking around, you felt like they all might hate you as soon as they found out about your past. Granted, you were the kind of monster hunter that only hunted down the kind that were deemed a threat by both human and monster standards.

Still, it was weird being the only human here.

Regardless, you needed to get to your first class. What was it again?


Y/N: Ew.

You were so busy looking at your schedule that you failed to notice someone standing right in front of you. Thus, you bumped into this person which caused you both to stumble, and for his glasses to fall off.

Y/N: Aw, crap. Sorry, dude!

You quickly reached down and grabbed his glasses. You then started to hand them to him, hut you locked eyes with the boy which made him flinch.

However, nothing happened.

Confused, you just held up his glasses.

Y/N: Uh, here you go.

The boy stared at you in shock. Though, as you looked closer, you suddenly realized why.

He's a gorgon.

???: Wait, how are you not stone?

You smiled as you pointed to your eyes.

Y/N: I got a neat pair of contacts. Here.

You handed him his glasses back which he took.

???: Are you new? I haven't seen you around before.

Y/N: Yeah. I just got done talking to Bloodgood, actually. My name is Y/N.

???: Nice to meet you, man. My name is Deuce.

 My name is Deuce

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Deuce. Like, MeDEUCEa?

That was a horrible pun and not a good representation of me as a person.

Deuce: You look a bit lost. You need help?

As Deuce put his glasses back on, you handed him your schedule. He looked it over and grinned.

Deuce: Well, won't you look at that? We got a lot of the same classes together. Guess I'll be your guide for a while.

Y/N: Really? Uh, thanks. That's really helpful.

Deuce handed you back your paper and you followed him down the hall.

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