Bad Gets Worse

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You convinced the others that hiding out in the bell tower was far safer than staying in the room, on the off chance any trolls came looking for them. And so Venus, Rochelle, Robecca, and you slipped quietly into the chamber atop the tower and waited.

In between stolen glances out the open windows, you played cards, napped intermittently, and speculated endlessly on what was happening outside. Occasionally the sound of trolls marching in the halls echoed up through the stone tower, but mostly there was a shroud of silence.

Robecca: I really wish we knew what was happening out there. Do you think it’s possible that the power struggle is over and we’re waiting up here for no reason?

Y/N: I doubt it. Miss Sue Nami would send a signal, something to alert us.

Small puffs of steam exited Robecca’s ears.

Robecca: This experience has taught me that I would not do well in jail. I’m just not wired for staying in one place. It feels unnatural.

Rochelle: Unless talking about cat’s pajamas or mouse’s houses suddenly becomes illegal, I cannot imagine what you will ever go to jail for. Venus, on the other hand, I can imagine in jail for a wide variety of well-meaning but reckless reasons.

Venus: And what about you?

Y/N: Gargoyles are too good at following rules to wind up in jail.

Rochelle: Well put, Van Helsing.

Y/N: The Gargoyles who do break the rules are usually deemed too dangerous and are just put on the hunt list.

Rochelle: I'll just stay quiet now.

Suddenly, the faint semblance of calm evaporated as a shrill and deafening ring cut through campus. The quartet exchanged tense expressions and furrowed brows as if to say "Now what"?

Voices carried up from the hall.

Intercom: Emergency meeting! Emergency meeting! Vampitheater now! Vampitheater now!

You all listened to them for a moment.

Y/N: What do you think?

Venus: It could be Miss Sue Nami holding a meeting to announce the end of Miss Flapper’s reign.

Rochelle: Or it could be Miss Flapper herself!

Robecca: I have faith that it’s Miss Sue Nami.

Y/N: Unfortunately, there’s only one way to find out.
The tower stairwell was dark, damp, and desperately in need of a renovation. Splintered cracks lined the walls, and the sound of dripping water echoed ominously. It was a creepy space, one that they were more than happy to escape, at least until they saw the rampant chaos in the hall. Students were in a literal stampede toward the Vampitheater. And while it was hard to believe that Miss Sue Nami would allow such disorder, the four of you continued to hope against reason that she was still in charge.

The purple-and-gold assembly hall was packed to the gills, just as it had been at the start-of-the-term assembly. This time, however, the room was filled with mounting anxiety and tension instead of excitement and anticipation. Robecca, you, Venus, and Rochelle slipped into the last row and quickly slouched down in your seats, all the while keeping an eye out for trolls.

Bloodgood: Hello, students.

Whaaaaat was she doing here?!

Bloodgood: I’m so happy that you all heard the bell and were able to come.

Venus: She seems pretty normal, so that’s a good sign.

Y/N: Uh, she's supposed to be locked in the basement.

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