New Ghoul

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You took a drink from your soda and started to scroll through your phone. You were sitting on your bed with Cupid who was currently reading through a magazine she had brought with her. It was Sunday, meaning it would be back to school tomorrow.

Cupid: Do you think this is a good look?

Cupid held up the magazine to show you the model. It was a vampire. You had gotten used to Monster Based Media, MBM for short, long before you joined Monster High. You mostly had old literature or whatever the Monsters and Ghouls had on hand to offer you while you were around.

You recalled spending a week in Scaris where you were given a beautiful art book with truly unique drawings and designs. You cherished it closely.

Y/N: Looks good.

Cupid: Yeah, it does. Probably not my color, but I like the design.

You nodded in agreement.

You both looked up when you heard a knock on your door.

Y/N: Come in!

The door opened and Bloodgood poked her head in. Literally. She was just holding her head.

Bloodgood: Are you two all good in here.

You gave a thumbs up while Cupid nodded.

Bloodgood: Great to know. I was informed that we may be receiving a new student tomorrow. I could use your assistance if you're free.

Y/N: Yeah, of course.

Bloodgood: Perfect. You two enjoy your date now!

Bloodgood closed the door while you and Cupid sat there in silence. You had told her that this wasn't a date, but apparently she didn't care.

Cupid: New student, huh? I wonder who it could be.

You didn't know, but you always liked meeting new people. This should be fun.
Bright and early Monday morning, the well-worn wrought-iron gates to Monster High creaked open to a fast-approaching blitz of bodies. Amid the throngs of monster students was a petite gray gargoyle outfitted in a delightful pink linen dress with a Scaremès scarf wrapped stylishly around her waist as a belt.

Moving carefully through the crowd, the young girl minded her Louis Creton luggage and her pet griffin, Roux, but mostly her own two hands. As gargoyles are crafted of stone, they are burdened with both extreme heaviness and terribly sharp claws. And the last thing she wanted to do was snag her dress on the first day at a new school.

???: Pardonnez-moi, madame, I do not wish to impose upon your business, but might you be looking for this?

The new student bent down, picked up a raven-haired head with crimson lips, and handed it to the imposing headless figure standing next to the main doorway.

Bloodgood: Child, thank you! I keep forgetting my head, both figuratively and literally! You see, I was recently struck by lightning, and it’s left me with a spot of what the doctor calls muddled mind. But not to worry, it won’t last forever.

Headmistress Bloodgood remounted her head on her neck.

Bloodgood: Now then, do I know you? In my current condition, I find it hard to remember faces or names or, if I am to be honest, almost anything.

Y/N: I leave for five minutes and you're already all over the place.

The new student watched as you joined Bloodgood near the door, greeting a few of the students along the way.

???: No, madame, you definitely do not know me. I am Rochelle Goyle from Scaris, and I shall be living in the new dormitory on campus.

 I am Rochelle Goyle from Scaris, and I shall be living in the new dormitory on campus

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