The Grimm Baking Show

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The sky was still cloudless the next morning when Frankie finished charging. It was a beautiful day! It looked rather warm out, but Frankie knew that as soon as she stepped outside the cold would swallow her without the proper winter attire on. There was no snow on the ground much to Frankie's disappointment yet to your relief.

You were due to arrive any minute, seeing as you were always at least five minutes early to wherever you needed to be. Frankie was showered and dressed in a long sleeve shirt with a longer cardigan over top, some warm leggings, and a pair of platform boots that tshe had deemed 'Christmas-y'.

Of course, Viveka gave Frankie a hand knitted hat, scarf, and mitten set just in case. Frankie took it without much hesitation, not wanting to get in trouble for 'rebellion' or 'defiance' right before what could be a potential date. But seriously, she was going to be inside baking cookies. Was all of this really necessary?

Viveka: Of course this is all necessary. What if his car breaks down? I will not be responsible for you freezing to death if you have to walk to his house.

Viktor: Call us if anything like that happens. We'll come pick you up on the side of the road if we have to.

Frankie: Thanks... but his car isn't going to break down. He got it from Dracula.

Frankie sounded slightly strangled as she pulled on the scarf with thick, mittened hands, loosening the yarn slightly.

Viveka: And you're sure his uncle is going to be home? Boys can be....

Viktor: Sneaky...Deceptive..

Frankie stared at them.

Frankie: Yesterday you guys were concerned that he was going to be too religious and pure and now you're worried about him, what? Killing me?

Viktor: He is a Van Helsing.

Frankie: Y/N is a good guy. Besides, he's saved me and my friends a bunch of times before. What's the worse that can happen?

Viktor raised an eyebrow, giving Frankie a look.

Viktor: Do you really want me to answer that?

Frankie wanted to leave....and fast.

She could hear a car pull up to their house and a car door shut. She quickly grabbed the door knob, ready to dip out of this conversation.

Frankie: That's Y/N. I'll be back by 8?

Viktor: Before dinner.

Viveka rolled her eyes.

Viveka: If you're invited to stay for dinner, you can stay till after. safe.

Frankie: Thanks, I'll see you both later.

Frankie quickly dipped outside, catching you on your way up the walkway. Yku looked slightly shocked as you hadn't even knocked yet and here she was coming out to your car. Your cheeks were flushed due to the cold air, and you were just about as bundled up as she was. It made Frankie giggle slightly.

Frankie: Good morning, Y/N.

She pointed back at their house slightly with their mittened thumb.

Frankie: I heard the car so I decided to come out. I hope that's ok.

Y/N: That's fine. Of course. You just caught me off guard.

 You just caught me off guard

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