Monster Mash

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Harriet had to park in the Steins’ cul-de-sac because her driveway was full. Not that Clawdeen minded. Showing up late to her own party was bad enough, but in a beat-up utility vehicle? Fur-get about it.

Clawdeen: Lagoona delivered like Domino’s!

It was warmer here than at the inn. Or did it feel that way simply because she was about to be reunited with the people she loved?

Draculaura: Our street looks like a used-car lot!

She had managed to not tell Clawdeen that you had texted her, telling her that the party was safe thanks to you, Helsing, Dracula, and even the Steins. Still, Harriet being here was still a surpise.

Harriet: Just think. All these kids are here to celebrate you.

Clawdeen: See? I told you it would be okay.

Still, as Harriet pulled her daughter close, stubble poked through her black blouse and irritated Clawdeen’s bare shoulders. It was another reminder of the risk they were taking. Not only with the party but with the rounding moon. But why think about that when the electronic beat of “The Time” by the Black Eyed Peas was pulsating from the Wolfs’ backyard?

Clawdeen: Woo-hoo!

She and Lala raised their hands over their heads and began dancing and singing their way up the block.

Clawdeen/Draculaura: I had the time of my life, and I never felt this way before…

Clawdeen couldn’t have been happier. The closer they got, the more she wanted to run. But Cleo always said, “Guests of honor don’t run; they appear.” So Clawdeen and Draculaura decided to run and appear excited.

Clawdeen: Whoa.

Dozens of luminary candle bags had been placed on her lawn, lighting a path to the tent in the backyard. Clawdeen recognized them immediately from the de Niles’ New Year’s Eve party, and she felt tremendous gratitude to Cleo (well, her staff) for all the hard work. The scene looked like one of those elegant celebrity affairs featured in InStyle magazine.

Harriet: It’s beautiful.

Suddenly, a tightening sensation gripped Clawdeen’s scalp…held…and then released. Another growth spurt. Her auburn curls dropped, bounced, and then settled below her shoulders. Luckily, her mother had been too busy admiring the lights to notice. If she had, they’d be speeding back to the Hideout.

Clawdeen: Who’s ready?

Draculaura flashed a fang-tabulous smile, and they all linked arms. Rounding the side of her house in a DIY dress and sparkling booties, guided by the luminaries and the sound of Bruno Mars’s latest single, Clawdeen was having a major Dorothy moment. That Kansas normie had gotten one thing right: There’s no place like home.

Then someone suddenly fell from a tree right in front of them.

Y/N: Ow.

You pushed yourself up and looked back up at the branch you were trying to set a camera up in. You had a few to keep an eye on the areas around the house as per Dracula's orders, but the branch you were on had broken and you were dropped.

Y/N: Crap. Well, that camera is gone.

You turned around to move onto the next one, but stopped when you were suddenly face to face with Clawdeen. It was the first time the two of you had seen each other since The Ghoul Next Door special aired. Since she had blamed you for what followed.

You looked to Harriet, who you had spoken to earlier. It was how she actually knew that the party was still on. You figured Clawdeen's parents would like to be here for their daughter's party.

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