Hunting Humans

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You scrolled through your phone, looking through the reactions of the interviews. While some were normies and monsters supporting the documentary, most were testing it to shreds. Most of the comments were talking about how monster and humans must always be separated and how this was a direct attack on each other.

What was made to bring the two together, only served to rip them apart further. You mentally cursed yourself over and over again. This was all your fault. If you didn’t make the video in the first place, things would be fine. You wouldn't be hiding out in the shed waiting for Cleo or Deuce to tell you what was happening.

They had insisted you go with them, but you had refused. No normie should go to their secret council meeting. Especially one that had caused such damage.

You changed tabs and checked your messages. Still nothing. You had no idea if that was a good thing or not. Clearly something was wrong, but just how bad was it? You gritted your teeth before the shed door opened. You looked up, only for your eyes to grow wide when you saw none other than Lilith standing there with a grin.

You were quickly on your feet.

Y/N: What are you doing here?

Lilith drug a finger along your desk where you had some figurines lined up. She smirked as she flicked over the vampire one.

Lilith: So cold. I thought you would've loved to see an old friend.

She yelped when a box flew past her head, crashing into the wall behind her.

Y/N: Get away from me, and stay away from my friends!

Lilith placed a hand on her chest, a look of shock on her face.

Lilith: Vanny Poo, why are you acting like this?

You gagged at the stupid nickname she had given you. It barely even made sense. Your name was Y/N Van Helsing. The Vanny came from the Van. Poo came from Poo Bear, as in Winnie the Poo Bear. You.....really hated her.

Y/N: Don't call me that. And don't act like we're friends. Especially after what you did to my actual friends.

Lilith drooped her hand with a groan. She rolled her eyes before she crossed her arms, taking a look around the shed. It was still a bit of a mess from the craziness from earlier. You even still had a bit of eyeliner and the anubis eye design on your right eye.

Lilith took in your whole appearance. Your black hoodie with the Jean vest over it with your patches. The torn dark washed jeans and dirty converse. Even the beanie you wore that used to hide your human identity. Your painted nails and your earring.

You weren't the same boy she knew from before. You looked vastly different and now you were so hostile. This was worse than she thought.

Lilith: They really have a hold on you, don't they.

Y/N: What are you talking about?

???: She's talking about the monsters' hold on you.

You flinched as the barn door opened on the side, revealing more people standing there. But these weren't just random people you saw. These were the kind of people you didn't mess with.

Monster Hunters. The best of the best. Those that could stand toe to toe with your uncle.

Larry Chaney Jr.

Bram Lugosi.

Colin Karloff.

Imhotep Byron.

Jack Rains.

Mary Lanchester

Claude Claudin.

Ricou Chapman.

You took a step back as the hunters entered the shed and surrounded you. They all stared at you, almost as if they were examining you.

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