Boo Bros

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You let out a grunt as you pushed yourself up. You then went back down and did it again. Deuce watched you from the beanbag while Bootube played on the TV screen. You had been doing handstand push-ups on the bunk bed ladder. You had been pretty much doing stuff like this since you got back.

Being a vampire....thing....was weird. But it was also fun. Yesterday Clawdeen found you laps around the track for like two hours straight. You were taking well to all of this. Everyone was surpised.

Things mostly went back to normal after you all returned. Class resume, you gained a few new students, you were a Vampire Lord, and Elissabat was now the Queen of Vampires and was taking a break from her movie career.

Okay, so some things had changed.

You hopped down and grabbed your bottle of water, taking a drink.

Deuce: So, do you have to drink blood now?

You stopped and looked at him. You lowered your bottle and thought about it.

Y/N: Well.......

Dracula: Heed my words, Y/N. You may now be undead, but unless you drink blood you will remain at the same state of strength and skill as a human. You are now a Lord, meaning you have a bigger target on your back. Be careful.

You slow blinked before shaking your head and looking back to Deuce.

Y/N: I don't think so. But, on the plus side, I do get to age slower.

Deuce watched you before folding his hands with his index fingers on his lips. He then pointed to you.

Deuce: Explain..

Y/N: Well, for Vampires, every 100 years is like 1 year for humans. But since I'm not a full vampire, I age every 50 years. PARTIAL IMMORTALITY!

Deuce hopped up and began to celebrate with you. Your cheers were quickly silenced when Dorm Father Mr. D'eath knocked on your door. You knew it was him cause heard his telltale sigh.

Mr. D'eath: Please be considerate of other students.

Y/N/Deuce: Sorry.

You both calmed down and looked at the time. It was pretty late.

Deuce: Oh yeah, are you coming with me to Heath's trip?

You looked at him confused.

Y/N: Uh....who's Heath?

Y/N: OH! Heath Burns. Yeah, I remember you now.

Heath: What?

You were with Deuce and Heath waiting for a few other guys for a sort of "guy's trip". You had come to the realization that you had more female friends here than guy friends. You were hoping this trip would change that.

Yep. That's what you were doing now. Embracing change.

Y/N: So, who else is coming?

Heath: Well, DJ and Clawd said they were, but I think Gil might be too.

Gil. Gil. Uh, wasn't that Lagoona's ex? The one she broke up with before kissing you?

Y/N: Awesome.....

Deuce was also in the nervous boat. He knew the situation cause you told him and he didn't want to be picking between bros. Though, he would absolutely back you up. Like, there was no doubt. But he didn't want to be picking sides.

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