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You laid upon the ocean of grass while the sunlight hit your skin. There was a gentle breeze and you could smell the fresh air. You were young. Much younger than you should be.

You heard someone call to you, but it was by a name that wasn't yours. Yet, you knew they were calling to you. Their voices were so familiar. They were....warm.

You sat up and looked back to see three other children ontop of a hill. Two boys and one girl. The girl was waving while the boys were smiling. They were waiting for you.

You would play knights and dragons. You would play the hero and you would save the day.

Then you smelt smoke.

Beep Beep Beep Beep

You groaned and found yourself waking up from your dream. But you immediately woke up completely when you realized you were still smelling smoke.

You sat up and realized that the smoke detector was going off. There was a fire in the house. This lead to you leaping out of bed and rushing out of your room. You ran downstairs and into the kitchen where you found Ms. Bloodgood and Abby trying to get the smoke out of the kitchen.

You stood there, disheveled and wide eyed, and watched as the girls used cooking towels to fan the smoke away from the smoke detector. Once the smoke was clear, the two finally noticed you.

You were only wearing a pair of boxers and an old white shirt while your hair was a mess.

Bloodgood: Did we wake you, dear?


You sat at the table, eating the burnt pancakes that Bloodgood and Abby had made. They were.....very burnt. Ever had a pancake crunch like it was ice?

Bloodgood: I believe it's been long enough to ask, how have you two settled in?

Abby: Good enough. I do wish my room was colder, though.

Bloodgood: I'll see if I can do something about that.

She then turned to you.

Bloodgood: What about you, Y/N?

You looked up from your disaster of a breakfast and shrugged.

Y/N: Still feels weird being in the same place for more than a week, but I can't say I hate it.

It was the truth. You had made some pretty cool friends. Even the daughter of your uncle's sworn enemy. Is that weird? You still didn't know. But she was cool and you liked hanging out with her.

Bloodgood: And do you have plans for today?

You shrugged. Just a normal day of school, you figured.
Y/N: What in the name of Satan?

You found your path blocked by a wave of Zombies on your way to Home Eek. You felt your eye twitch just as Frankie slid up beside you.

She was actually your partner for Home Eek, so you were both stuck in the same situation. You both looked at the crowd in front of you, then at the crowd behind you.

Frankie: Aw, man. Zombies are so slow. We can't cut through this crowd.

Y/N: Well, I mean, I could. Doubt too many people would be happy with it, though.

Frankie looked around before noticing the entrance to the Gym within distance. You knew that the gym itself cut through the building, so there would be a way to get around the crowd both ways.

Monster High: A New Start (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now