Ragged Regrets

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You stretched and let out a yawn, finally happy with how your dorm looked. You would be staying with Dracula during the weekends, like some of the others did, but you decided to bite the bullet and stay in the dorms during the weekdays.

Deuce: Dude, this place looks great.

You both looked at the haphazardly made bunkbed that was held by a single piece of plastic. The rest of the room had a couch and a gaming set up thanks to Maddy. The room also had LED color changing lights which you both had control over. Deuce's lights were green and yours were pink at the moment.

There were a few of the movie posters that survived the fire on the walls as well as a framed photo of Deuce and Cleo on the nightstand. After a game of rock, paper, scissors, you manged to get top bunk.

You even had a chest of supplies should you need it. Like weapons and potions and stuff. Your uncle even gave you a few things to spice up the room before he left.

A month had past since the whole uncensored interview fiasco and things were really back in track. Well, for the most part. Some monsters were still in hiding, but you were making your way down the list.

You heard a beep and looked at your watch, seeing what time it was.

Y/N: Ah, I gotta go. Swim practice.

Deuce: I keep forgetting you're the swim team manager.

Y/N: I forget sometimes too. Catch you later?

You and Deuce low fived and you grabbed your bag, ready for practice. It was Thursday now and you were ready to get the weekend started already. You had wanted to finish editing your newest video of Deuce ramping over a fountain.

In the month that had passed, you had begun filming even more. You even made two short films after your friends insisted you enter a few small contests. You never knew you would love being a director so much. But, you really did love it.

Rochelle: Bonjor, Y/N!

You waved at your friend as you walked by. You still weren't sure where you belonged among monster and normies, but you also didn't care. You were happy with life.

You reached the pool area and entered. You greeted the swim team as you made your way to your bench. You set your bag down and got what you needed while the others warmed up.

Lagoona: What do you even mean?

You lifted your head at the sound of your friend's voice. You looked over to see that she was talking to Gil, her boyfriend, but she seemd upset. You never really spoke to Gil, mostly cause you had a hard time understanding him with his water helmet, but also because he was just never really around.

You knew his parents didn't exactly like Lagoona since she was a salt water monster while Gil was a fresh water monster. You had dealt with fresh water monsters before. They were pretty....petty. Snobby. Salt water folk were more laid back.

You watched for a bit as they went back and forth. Finally, Gill let out a frustrated groan and stormed off put of the pool area. You watched him the entire time before looking back to Lagoona. She looked frustrated.

It took a second but she finally realized that you were looking at her. She was immediately embarrassed over you seeing what had happened. She walked over and sat down next to you.

Lagoona: You saw that?

You nodded.

Lagoona: Gah! He's so frustrating sometimes.

Y/N: You alright?

Lagoona nodded. She stood up and took her hoodie off, tossing it aside. She was now in her swimsuit. She dived into the water while you watched. You felt a bit bad. She was your friend. You cared for her. You wanted to help.
You chatted with a few of the swimteam members once practice ended. They were doing well and should be ready for the next swim meet, which made you quite happy. Granted, you were sure the piranhas helped.

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