Possible Ghoulfriend

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You whistled to yourself as you opened your locker and got what you needed for your next class. Mostly just your textbook and notebook. When you closed your locker you found someone standing there, causing you to jump.

Operetta: Oh my. Sorry, sweet bee. I didn't mean to spook ya.

You shook your head. You were quick to regain your composure and leaned against the locker with a smirk. You had to play it cool.

Y/N: It's all good. It takes a bit more than just a small freight like that to keep me down.


Y/N: What's up? Did you need something?

Operetta had gotten pretty used to Monster High quickly. And now she even had a roommate with the arrival of Elissabat. That being said, you also didn't know how to deal with the fact that two girls you had interest in were now roomies. You were sure that wouldn't be a problem. Nope. No way.

Operetta: Well, I just so happened to recall that I owed you a thanks for getting me outta those caverns.

You rubbed the back of your neck.

Y/N: You don't have to thank me. It's kinda what I do.

Operetta: Oh? So you're saying is you don't want my thanks?

You immediately backtracked causing her to smirk.

Y/N: Of course, I mean, no, I mean, uh.....help.

Operetta crossed her arms and got closer to you. She then began to fix your jacket and dusted off any extra lint or anything else.

Operetta: What you mean to say is that you would love to go with me so I can show you my thanks.

She finished messing with your jacket which gave you time to finally gather yourself. She was very forward. Then again, you did promise yourself that you would be doing more normal teenager stuff. And it has been a while since you went on a date. Wait, was this a date?

Operetta: So?

You slow blinked with a blank stare for a moment before snapping out of it. You looked back to Operetta before smiling.

Y/N: Sounds like a blast! Uh, when?

Operetta: How does tonight sound? Lagoona told me about this place we can get some food and listen to some live music.

That definitely sounded fun.

Y/N: Cool. Uh, pick you up at your dorm?

Operetta turned on her heels and began to walk down the hall with a wave.

Operetta: Be there at 6. I don't like waiting, hun.

You smiled like a dork before the bell rung. Oh, right. Class.

You checked your outfit again in the mirror while Deuce, Cleo, Clawd, and Draculaura watched. They were having a double date and were waiting to head out since Clawd made their reservations for 7 instead of 6. Something that everyone gave him crap for.

Cleo: Can you stop? You look as good as you're going to get.

Draculaura: I still think you should take your red jacket. It compliments your eyes.

Deuce: Don't listen to them, bro. You look great.

Clawd: Yeah. Operetta is gonna eat you up.

You all looked at him which made him whine and look down in shame. You just sighed and pulled a beanie on to cover your messy hair since you couldn't get it under control. Though, you still weren't sure if this was even a date.

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