The End or A Start?

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You drove through the streets of New Salem without much of an idea of where you would be going. You've been trying to come up with a plan to stop Hellscream since you left Clawdeen's. The sun was now starting to set and you have officially skipped a day of school. You didn't feel too good about it, but the situation called for your full attention.

That was until you noticed smoke in the distance. You didn't think much of it, until you realized it was coming from the direction of the school. Your eyes grew wide as you gripped the wheel and hit the gas. You sped through the streets with no care for your own safety.

You hit the brakes when you reached the front of the school, immediately leaping out of the vehicle and running towards Monster High.

You could only stare. There was nothing you could do. It was as if you could feel history repeating itself. The destruction of the place you called home.

Monster High was being burned to the ground.

And you could do nothing about it.

Lagoona: Y/N! You made it!

You looked over to see your friends gathered on one of the picnic tables. They seem to be....happy? Almost like they were celebrating something. You were confused before you took another look.

Monster High wasn't on fire, Hellscream merchandise was. A bonfire made to destroy all products associated with the famous Monster Hunter. Your friends signaled for you to join them which you did.

Y/N: What is this?

Deuce, who had his arm around Cleo and was drinking a smoothie, smiled.

Deuce: Dude, Hellscream got whipped.

You looked at him oddly before Venus showed you her phone. You watched the video to see Hellscream shooting your uncle with his crossbow. You were shocked before you read the article.

Y/N: "Vincent Helsing was rushed to the hospital after a violent interaction with famed Monster Hunter Abraham Hellscream. The video shows Hellscream attacking Helsing after confirming that the break-in on his home was staged."

You slowly looked up and began to smile. You knew this wouldn't be the end of Hellscream's war on you and your family, but it was definitely a massive blow to his plans. Your friends were happy to see an invisible weight lift off your shoulders.

It felt like you could breathe again.


You scrolled through your phone with one hand while you other was petting Cerberus who was sitting on your lap. You were reading the many articles about Hellscream and the repercussions of his actions. Legal action will be taken and his position with the Monster Hunter Association was in grave danger.

Hehe. Get it? Grave danger?

To kinda celebrate this victory, in which you had no real hand in but who cares, Dracula and Helsing decided to make some dinner. Draculaura and Elissabat were helping with setting the table but Elissabat kept taking glances your way.

Draculaura had been watching her for a while and finally let out a groan, setting her forks down on the table. She placed her fists on her hips.

Draculaura: Just go talk to him already.

Elissabat snapped out of her daze and looked at her friend. Before she could deny her suggestion, Draculaura turned your way.

Monster High: A New Start (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now