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You always thought the afterlife would be more.......interesting.

You knew you were dead. No one could survive a stab in the heart. Not man, not monster. You were a bit bummed, but it wasn't like you died for nothing. You had saved Draculaura and thwarted Stroker's conspiracy. You lived a pretty good life too. Full of adventure and friends.

Still, this place was was empty. A white void of nothingness? This sucked. Was this all there was? Were you supposed to be thinking of something before you died?

Y/N: Huh.

Your voiced echoed. It was completely silent. Unmoving. It was very unnerving. And you were just sitting here. And should there be other people here, cause it was just you right now.

You sighed and got to your feet. That was when you realized you were wearing nothing but white clothes. Good thing BBQ sauce wasn't a thing here.

You looked around before deciding in a direction. You then began to walk. It was as if the world itself was just moving along with you. You weren't making any real progress.

You stopped and placed your hands on your hips. This was...troubling.

Y/N: Welp. This is stupid.

You let out a frustrated groan.

???: You're right.

You stood there for a moment before slowly turning around to find a man standing behind you. Not just that, but the scenery had changed. No longer was this just a white void. You couldn't even explain what this was.

???: Apologies for being late, lad. I was preoccupied. But now that I am here, allow me to introduce myself.

He bowed before standing back up.

???: My name is Mond. I am here to guide you.

------------Your friends watched as Helsing held your lifeless corpse

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Your friends watched as Helsing held your lifeless corpse. You were dead. For real this time. Your uncle couldn't believe it. You felt so limp in her arms.

Your friends mourned you while Dracula gave chase after Stroker. Helsing shut his eyes tight while Veronica stood there. She didn't know what to do. What to say. Once again, Stroker had taken someone away from her. And the slaughter might not be over.

Helsing: You need to hurry and find Bloodgood.

Your friends looked to your uncle.

Helsing: She'll keep you safe. Me and Dracula will.....

Cleo: What is wrong with you?

Helsing looked up.

Cleo: Your nephew just died. Our friend was killed. Why are you so calm about this?

Helsing narrowed his eyes. A stare that many monsters had faced, and few had lived to tell about it. Cleo felt a chill run over her body, as if she had become paralyzed.

Monster High: A New Start (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now