Sweet Screams

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You let out a yawn as you walked through the halls of your beloved school. You had some trouble trying to sleep the night prior. You've been having some really weird dreams. Last night involved Cleo and Deuce pretty much no clipping everywhere whilr Draculaura only spoke through monkey noises. The thought was funny now, but what did it mean?

Aren't dreams supposed to be represented of the state of mind? Or, something like that?

You entered into your Ghoulish Literature and Monstory class in the Libury and took your seat with your usual group. Ghoulia, Abbey, Frankie, and Draculaura. You began to set your books down but stopped and looked at the Vampire beside you. You reached over and pinched her cheek making her yelp.

Draculaura: Ow! Why?!

Y/N: Just making sure.

She pouted but went back to copying the board soon after. You began to do the same before Mr. D'eath walked.....dragged himself into the room. His sigh echoed before he sat down at his desk.

Frankie: Wait, is he our substitute?

Abbey: What happened to Mr. MacDeath?

Ghoulia: Mhemahmeh.

All: Ooooooooh.

Y/N: Yeah, I saw that one coming.

Frankie: I hope he gets better.

Another sigh grabbed the class' attention. You all watched as Mr. D'eath dropped his head. He rose to his feet but he head stared down as if it was stuck to the desk. He then dragged himself to the board and but fell down half way there. He then began to crawl over which made him look more like a ragdoll rather than a skeleton. The noise his bones made when they rattled also echoed through the room.

Draculaura: You know what? Same.

He finally reached the board and stood up, only to lean against the board. He then pointed to the only empty space on the board.

Mr. D'eath: Today your groups will be working together to write a short story about the dreams you have. Not the dreams that get crushed by reality, hut the ones you have when you sleep. Please make them interesting. I'll have to read all of them.

You raised your hand causing him to sigh.

Mr. D'eath: Yes, Mr. Van Helsing?

Y/N: Uh, I don't really understand. We're all supposed to make up a story based on our dreams?

Mr. D'eath: Yes.

Y/N: But we don't have the same dreams.

Mr. D'eath: Yes.

Y/N: So how are we....

Mr. D'eath: Yes.

You stared at him for a moment before sighing and sitting back down. Mr. D'eath fixed his glasses before he seemed to space out. He only came back to reality when Abbey flicked a ball of paper at him. Crippling reality.

Mr. D'eath: I've been given permission to allow you all to hold a co-ed creepover to make it easier for you all to complete this assignment. That is all.

Rather than going back to the desk, the teacher instead simply laid down on the ground and stared at the roof. After waiting for a moment to make sure that was all he needed to say, you turned back to your group while the others began to plan for their projects.

Frankie: A creepover? Bolt-tastic!

Ghoulia: Mhauhama.

Abbey: Yes, it should be fun, but what about him?

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