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"What's with that smirk  kook don't tell planning  something  again like used do in collage days "rose looking at jungkook  who was all grumpy  since the start buy now it was replaced with smirk .
She knows him too well he go any extent to keep his pride .

Jungkook  chuckled and shook his head slowly .

After jungkook  rose  has conversation.
Rose went out first .jungkook went near his car he was about start the car but got an idea an evil smile formed on his face .

He works for us didn't he should do what ever we say .he thought.
He took a phone and called mr.lee.

"Hello sir do you have any work ".mr.lee asked .

"My car tire got punctured i want you to send the new boy for repair I want to send him within 15 mins ".jungkook  said .

"Ok sir we will send another car for you "mr.lee asked .

""No just do want i said nothing extra "jungkook  said harshly and cut the call.

Jungkook  was little  away from the mansion  and he knows that too he did it on purpose  .

Mr.lee looked up at taehyung who is already who was working  in kitchen.

"Hey boy "he said .
Taehyung looked up to see mr.lee .

"Go to blue cafe jungkooks sir's car tire got punctured you can go by cycle as sir doesn't want any car  ".mr.lee said throwed cycle keys to taehyung .

Taehyung took keys went towards  the cycle.
He took phone   to search for the location as was new to this place .
Luckily  his cycle has phone holder .
It wad showing 45 mins from his location by he need to go more fast .

He speed up   cycling and went in direction according  to maps .

Even though  how much he tried it took him 25 .he parked the cycle and went near car parking it was open area he looked around to find jungkook.

He went straight  he saw Jungkook who Gracefully sitting in parking lot one placing  leg over the other on hand rested on bench rest while  he was snipping his phone with his delicate fingers .He Looked at distance he can saw Taehyung is coming .

Taehyung saw jungkook at sitting looking directly at him he was looking so intimidating that he can't even look   his eyes .He advert his gaze.

Taehyung approached jungkook  and stood with some distance between them.

Jungkook  stood up and went  near him

He  throwed the keys at him which taehyung didn't see it was on ground now.

"Take the keys and change it fast you have already wasted my time  enough ".jungkook  said folding  his hands. Against his chest .

"Yes sir ".taehyung  said .
Jungkook  left the place and went inside the cafe .

Taehyung bend down and took  the keys.
He got tools out of car and start to he placed his tools near front tier and got on his knees and started to fix it .

He cursed  himself  for wearing  all black.
It was almost afternoon he was working under the sun he was sweating badly his black t-shirt was almost drenched in his sweat .
It was taking forever to fix it.

Jungkoom was sitting opposite to taehyung in the cafe .A glass is between them only jungkook  can see other can't see him.
Thats how the cafés glass is  designed.

He was sitting under the A/c with satisfied smirk while looking at taehyung while drinking a coffee.

As time passed he can see how other sweating badly and his hand veins are clearly visible .
He smrik slowly disappeared.He looks at olders arms which trying  to tighten the car screws.

Hw gulped looking at other .taehyung was looking extremely hot with the sweaty hair .
This is was plan he was supposed  to make him suffer but plan got backfired .
Jungkook whole face heated  up.

Jungkook held his breath his heart was beating  fast .  He cheeks was turning into bright  shape by each passing.It was impossible to advert his eyes from the art.

He touch his cheeks he whole face was feel hot .He didn't like any of this things happening to him .He gritted his teeth and got up from there .

He dashed out the cafe and went near taehyung.

"How much time are you go take huh i value my time .Not some like you who can't even do a single job such a time waste "jungkook said.

Taehyung controlled  his anger it will not  happen  this fast that too when only one was doing .

But he can't say that to younger .he already  heard  enough hurtful  words .

"Just 2 mins sir "he said and quicken up the process .

He fixed the tier and took the tools and stood up when he about touch the car.

"Hold up don't touch with your dirty hands " jungkook said and opened the car taehyung placed tools in car .

"You can leave now "jungkook said he went inside the car and went away without even looking taehyung.

Taehyung stood there he went inside the washroom and washed his hands .
He placed his hands on the sink and looked at mirror. He just looked at him self chuckled at his fate.



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