chap -18

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Cold sweat formed  on youngers forehead when he heard his friends name .
He looked at older who was still sleeping on bed .

He went near the older and softy caressed olded hair and kissed on his forehead.

His friends where just like  him and there bully also .

He needs stay little  away from older  infornt them he need save his love .he will .

He afraid what of older will know about his past self .Will he accept him .will he accept the cold heart guy  with stone and being completely intolerant towards people who are not his status.

He hugged older tightly  before giving him small peck on his lips.

He took deep breath and got up.
And slowly nugged older to wake him up .

"Tae "he called him softly.

Older slowly opened his eyes and sat straight and adjust his hair .with sleepy eyes still closed .

He open his eyes   only to look directly at youngers doe eyes .they were just so close .
Younger was already red seeing older this close .

Taehyung  immediately  moved back with slight  pink cheeks  .

"Get ready we need leave within 10mins "jungkook said and got up his bed  .

Taehyung  fixed his shirt before going out .
He took the Keys and went out. Jungkook  changed his dress and  locked the front door .

He sat inside the passager seat .

"Let's go "jungkook  said  .

The whole ride older kept looking  at younger  time to time but other wasn't even glancing at his side.

They car soon stopped on front gate .
Younger got down and went inside. Taehyung  sighed looking at younger back.he was behaving  weird since evening.

Jungkook  went inside .
"Look who finally showed up  jk " .Young  lady with blonde  hair said  and went near jungkook along with boy with black hair

Mike and lia where one of his friends among there group of 7  .

Jungkook  gave tight smile. And hugged them .

"Where were you kook they were waiting for you from long time "Beakhyun said .
Taking his glasses off.

"I was just doing some shopping hyung  it's nothing "jungkook  said .

"Hello guys "chanyeol  said from behind .

All four looked at him entrance chanyeol placed his bag on table and  handed  his coat to baekhyun.

Mike and lia smiled and greeted chanyeol.

They where all having tea  every one was taking with but younger was hoping taehyung  not show infornt of them .

"So you guys have any plan tonight "chanyeol asked .

"Yes hyung  we are meeting jungkook  after many days we wanna just refresh our old memories "Mike said  .

Chanyeol  raised his bow he knew what they meant going to Club

"Taking taehyung  with you jungkook  I don't want you to drink and drive ".

Jungkook  eyes widened  when  when chanyeol  said that .he don't what to take  taehyung  with  them.not especially  the club with his friend.

"No need hyung I will not  drink that much you know right "jungkook  tried to convince his brother..

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