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Taehyung was sitting in room jungkook was behavior was messing with head one ago  week  he was acting like short tempered. Now after he was literally kissing him.he dont know what changed after party .his nerd brain was giving his many ideas like may be they bet on him or something  it was common in colleges.
He thought  avoid youngers as much as he can  .

Taehyung stood up he doesn't want to be in this house he just want to go to different environment.

Jungkook went to office so he can easily go out .
But first he need ask permission in the house .

He went out baek was sitting in couch reading a book.he slowly made his way to him.

"Hyung "taehyung called him.

Baek looked up from the book.

"Oh taehyung how are "

"Am fine hyung ".

" sit here taehyung I didn't have time to ask about since you came "baek said pointing  sofa infront of him .

Taehyung sat infornt of baek.

"So tell me which department have you majored ".

"Businesses "taehyung said again memories of his sleepness night were flashing infornt of him .

"Oh really which university are you from ".baek asked putting aside.

"Seoul university ".
Baekhyun just shocked when he heard that from taehyung. He know it not easily to get admission in that university, rich can easily buy seat but taehyung cleared the main exam .

"Many dream to get in that college taehyung .I can tell how much you worked "baekhyun said .

Taehyung just gave nod.

Baekhyun can see how glomy others face .

"Hyung actually I want to out for some time can I ".

"You can tae be careful ok ".baekhyun  said with small smile .

"Thank you so much hyung ".taehyung gave him small smile and went out.

"I will let go all you hard work in vain taehyung ".

Baek took his phone and dialed chanyeol.

Taehyung went to small lake it was peacefull here. He laid on grass just looking into water which were reflecting sun rays.

Jungkook  was in meetings with his hyung it was important  .he Need to stay back .
He thought of bringing  taehyung  to office but he can't  do this hyung is there and e don't want to leave him alone with weirdos outside of office .

They lunch break before continuing  .he thought going home but time is very less he thought  was staying back.

He was missing older he didn't  saw him after what happened in kitchen. He took phone looked at olders photos which he took other night .

He smiled looking at the pictures.


Jungkook went house after long day in his office.
He missed taehyung too much today he couldn't even get a single glance of older after morning encounter .

He freshed and went into to kitchen looking for taehyung. He was not there too .It was almost 9 taehyung was still not there.

Baekhyun was preparing meal jungkook was about ask him about taehyung but he saw older already coming in.taehyung went inside room after greeting beak hyung.

Jungkook followed him behind and closed the door.

Taehyung turned around to see jungkook younger attack him with hug .

Jungkook hugged older tightly and nuzzeled his face older neck.he felt home.

"Why didn't tell me were are you I missed you a lot "jungkook said kissing older neck.

"I went to lake sir sorry for that ".

"Dont ever go out without my permission ok ".jungkook said strely while looking  at taehyung

"In  days it is my birthday and I want you to come with every where I go for shopping  ".

Jungkook said still not breaking hug he feeling so much comfortable like that .

Older stood first time his heart skipped the beat when younger hugged him and gently kissing on his neck.he badly wants to hug him.back but he don't know what reaction he will get from younger .


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