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In dark room a petite male was tied on chair with his own blood stained shirt .

He was slowly opened his eyes with much di moving his body slowly only groan in pain.

He cant see anything clearly everything was blur .

He felt numbness around his hands and legs .

His vision slolwy clearled when he saw chanyeol sitting infornt of him holding a gun .

"Good morning had good sleep ".chanyeol said stood up and went near taehyung taking his gun with him.

"This how you pay debts for me by sleeping with my precious brother ."chanyeol growled and hitted taehyung head with other hissed when he felt unbearable pain on his head .

"Low class people are arent even allowed in my house you have entred my one precious brother bed room bastred "chanyeol said and again gave smack on younger head .

"Why cant we love anyone was that only reserved for you people i was poor because i didn't born with sliver spoon like you mr.jeon . "Taehyung said looking at chanyeol.

"Oh boy may be you didn't born with silver spoon but you are good at digging gold " .chanyeol said with smirk .

"Do you think my love is just for that "taehyung asked looking.

"Absolutely what option right you can have
Get lot money that you imagine in youre life so you manipulate my brother ".

"I will prove you sir am not doing this for youre money just give me kook i will treet him
as prince "taehyung said desperately .

Chanyeol and other gaurd laughed loudly .looking at male who was just saying nonsense according to them .

"You will treat my brother like prince really.
You can harldy make up to him his one watch costs more than youre entire family life time can still think that you will provide him that luxury what a absolute rubbishness ".

" I May not provide him luxury sir but i will definitely provide him comfortable life just give me some time "taehyung said .

Chanyeol chuckled shaking his head .

"Fine i will give 1year time you should held responsibility of my brother and also you both should stay out of this state and live on youre own and most importantly you can't you my name ".chanyeol said .

Taehyung thought some time
"I will accept it sir " taehyung said .

Chanyeol smirked looking at .

"Untie him"he commanded to his gaurd who realised him opening the ropes .

"So will start from tomorrow remember 1year nothing more if i see my brother loosing even 1 pound it wont be good it is you who should work not my brother. "chanyeol said .

Taehyung noded his head in agreement

Chanyeol sat inside .he sent taehyung in different car. his team did first ad before going to mansion.

"Sir how you allow young master to stay with taehyung for 1year "his trusted bodyguard asked .

"You think am fool to do that .my brother was born and habituated to this luxury he can harldy stay even for month with that poor boy after month he will reliase the love is all shit and he will definitely return to me that day "


Yes am alive 🙂

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