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Taehyung went out of jungkooks room .It was already 9 .he need to do the gardening.
He went to garden after small bath.

Jungkook was getting ready for the office he need to attend some meeting his hyungs currently outside on behalf he need to go there .

He fixed his coat using extra Fondation around his neck and fixed his hair leaving few strands on his forehead .

He decorated his delicate creamy white neck with few gold accessories.

Lastly appiled gloss on  lips which are looking extra plumpy.

He went down he slowly walked towards the taehyung room the older was not present he went outside only to see taehyung was working in graden wearing black shirt his sleeves were folded .

Jungkook leaned on door frame and folded his arms .

'You seducing me in early mr.handsome'jungkook mumbled looking at taehyung .

"Taehyung "jungkook called .

Taehyung looked around see jungkook near the door .looking absolutely beautiful. He gulped looking at the lips which were in red color giving him the resemblance of strawberry.

He didn't even notice when jungkook near .

He finally snapped out .

"Yes sir "taehyung said trying so hard to keep eye contact with younger.

He eyes were too intimidating for taehyung more like tempting him.

"Go change you fit i want you to drive me tp office ".

Taehyung gave a small nod ran inside fast .

Jungkook smirked slightly .

"I will tempt you more baby ".

Taehyung came out fast wearing white shirt and black pants .

Jungkook was already sitting in passenger seat .

Taehyung went inside the car and sat in drivers seat .he was about to start car but jungkook interrupted him.

" my seat belt got struck i need your help ".Younger  said monotonusly.

Taehyung looked at jungkook was sitting one leg cross over other .

Taehyung took off his seat Belt and moved closer to younger  his fluffy hair was touching  jungkooks chin when his fixing his belt .
Jungkook can feel other hot breath was touching his neck where taehyung marked last night .

The feeling of his breath made jungkook close his eyes he sense the manly scent of other he literally want to grab taehyung neck smash his lips .but he need to control it  now.

He can't do it ih houses premises  as many workers were present .

Taehyung slowly moved away after fixing it and started.

Jungkook  glanced older with small smile.his eyes filled with adoration .which was gone unnoticed by older .

They soon reached the office .

Jungkook  expression  soon changed .he held poker face while going inside

Jungkook went and inside and asked taehyung to follow him all the employee stood when jungkook passed them .

They both directly went inside the jungkook cabin.

"Stay here I have meeting you need to drive me to home "jungkook said and went outside he  took phone and called his secretary .

"Send breakfast to my office you will find Handsome man tell him to eat food ".jungkook said hanged the call.

He went inside the conference meeting.
Walking slow yet Gracefull they can simply hypnotized by his walk  .he sat at fixed his coat before looking at businesses partners .

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