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Next day 

Younger when got up in  early  in morning  as his hyung along with his brother in law came to wish him for the his big day .

The made him cut small cake even though jungkook  doesn't like any of this things he was just doing for his hyung his happpines .

They took jungkook  to  office as it was every year tradition  all employee will get some amout of bonus on the youngers birthday  .

The three went to famous restaurants for there traditional  family  lunch .
Many  paparazzi  followed and clicked multiple photos them .

Let just say his hyung some how unknowingly made him stay away from taehyung that day .

While other hand taehyung  was totally  exticted for youngers birthday he brought  younger small gift from his money he knows he may not be first one to wish younger but he want to be last .

It was evening when they went home .jungkook quickly got ready before going down as most guests  where already  in down stairs.

He smiled at his look before going down and welcomed  with unpleasing slight .
Taehyung  was holding  lia waist who was about to fall but it doesn't end there more fuel added to fire when taehyung  and lia chuckled looking at each other .
If they met first time they wont be chuckling  right .

He fist his hand until it tunred his fingers turned  .

He gritted his teeth before dashing out to his  firends circle .
Taehyung still haven't noticed younger as lia was kepping him busy will random talk .

"You know sooya she loved a man with her whole heart and follwed him  and did what ever  man asked but in the end the bastred was just after her money thats why he was playing hard to get drama all these the poor shit only care about money bloody low class thats why we shouldn't  be to friendly with this people "one of his friend said .

In anger we do many things and some  how jungkook  connected to his friend  unnecessary ted talk .

He slowly  placed on leg over other and slowly started playing with his phone while looking at pair infornt of him him left arm was resting in sofas back rest .he whole aur changed .his  eyes darkned each passing second .

Taehyung  felt dark gaze on his back he looked at younger who sitting on sofa looking extra beautiful but there is something different today  .his eyes were dark and unreadable .
He gave small smile to younger but it immediately faded when younger called him with  gesture.

He went towards the sofa near bar counter.

"I hope we are giving money right so keep the hands to work instead of holding  something  else ."jungkook  said .

"Or you thought  you wont to house works as you got job in jeons dont get me wrong i was one who approved so be our faithful   "jungkook asked with small smirk  .

Taehyung   shuddered  when younger said those harsh words.

"What are still looking boy go get us some ice "one of jungkook friends said with small smirk in victory  as his plan was working  .

Taehyung brought them ice younger was still in his position .

He got up and passed older as his hyungs where calling him taehyung  left bar ans  went up floor to help but someone drag him to room  and  locked it .

"It must be fun taehyung  making me running around  thats what you want right it must satisfy youre ego right "jungkook  moved forward and held older collar.

"You should be grateful  that i like you cause poor shit like you will never get this  jackpot  like this but here youre showing youre true colors flirting with the witch on my birthday  ".

'Poor shit '  every word of younger was hurting him like a bullet  he thought  of something  else today but he thanked god again as his hopes crushed again  once again.

"Oh you must forget  my birthday to right was it thats hard aleast text happy birthday  "younger said  holding taehyung jaw harshly.

" this attitude  doesn't suit you know it wont take me 2 secs to fire you from this comapny and make you begger ".

"Dont forget we brought  you to our house
As our sla-".

"What happened to you kook why all this suddenly  "taehyung  asked younger with small  voice .

Jungkook  chuckled while shaking he was so  eyes so much rage that he havent noticed how older called him with nick name .

"What happened  to me really i have prohibited  to not to talk to her you here you're giggling infornt of me .and dont  fu*king dare to cut my words when am talking  ."jungkook shouted .

"Yes sir "taehyung  said .

"Leave "jungkook  said turning his back..

Taehyung went down all things revolving  around his head .he went straight to bar bottom uped hole glass of raw drink .

He was angry and at same time hurt but clearly  anger dominanting now .he doesn't  choose to poor but situations  made him.

He took another and consumed in his system ..

"You know jungkook  wont even let anyone  touch him especially  shitty people like you  youre lucky Aleast taste his lips ."the male said while playing with his drink .

Taehyung  eyes darkened and looked at said male.

" rich bastr*d doesn't  know how to treat people with respect right  "taehyung said looked at jungkook  who was currently  cutting  the cake .

"But i will make my brat do it
  .i will knock some basic ethics in his brain ".taehyung took another glass before standing up. And loosing his shirt buttons.


An-am really  sorry for late updated these days i harldy get inspiration  for writing  books   all most all authors taken down there books many are my favorite  will reread almost everytime when i dont find any taekook book .you know  at first i use to hate book reading but look at me now am writing .

I have many ideas for news but i got really lazy to write them up.

I will definitely give another update of this very soon i mean in this week i will delay this time

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