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Soon the train stopped at there designated stop.

Taehyung got down first and helped jungkook to get down .

"Stay here i will take care of luggage  "taehyung said and went inside train again a to  deload the luggage.

"Is your house far "jungkook asked.

"Our home is not that far baby come on" .

Taehyung and jungkook when outside the  station.

Soon car came and stopped infornt of  them.

A boy in this late teen came out of the car .

"Hello taehyung Hyung long time "he came forward and hugged him .

"Hello lin yeah long time how are you "Taehyung asked hugging him .

"Am good "lin broke hug and looked taehyung he can see visible bruises on olders face.

"What happened to you hyung "lin and soflty caressing his cheeks .

"Its nothing just small accident".taehyung explained.

While  certain bunny boy fuming in anger .

He cleared his throat and otherwise   lin will  definitely keep on getting closer to taehyung.

"Oh this is my boyfriend jungkook "taehyung said placing hand on youngers waist .

Lin came up with fake smile "hello jungkook "he forward for handshake .

"Its kim jungkook "jungkook forwarded his hand with smirk when he know he got on  his  nerve .

Taehyung looked at younger simled .

"Shall we go "lin asked Taehyung noded his head he took language and placed backs
of the side .

Soon journey started  lin was mostly having a talk with taehyung. While younger was grinding his teeth in back seat .

Taehyung was looked  at rare view mirror younger avoiding his gaze looking outside. Taehyung chuckled and shook his head .

Soon they reach to taehyung grandma's house .

Taehyung  got down and opened car door for younger .

Jungkook looked at older house it was decent two store building .

Lin and taehyung where  unloading the language and and dropped infornt of  porch  .
Jungkook was about to touch the door handle but hesitated as it was old wooden door covered and dust even there dry leafs on the porch  he  moved back but older came and opened  the door .

The house cover with spider web looking  as if  abandoned for decades .

Younger was still on porch looking around  .

Taehyung felt youngers uneasiness  and and asked him to back .while they tidy it .
"Stay here bub "he said caressing his chubby cheeks he dont what his prince to touch  anything  dirty .

Jungkook dusted his cheeks and went around outside the house to explore but stopped when he saw all mud area there were no marbles .

"Let me help you with this taehyung "lin said and older gave a him a greatfull smile as it was  impossible to do by himself.

They started  moving the furniture and dusting  them .

Lin saw even they  both they cant do all at all .
He call his few known people from neighbors .
They where very happy to see taehyung here .

Taehyung introduced younger to them they blessed the lovely couple .

They are helped the taehyung to clean they did faster then expected  .

Mrs.sung she was taehyung's grandmas best friend.

He came running to house as soon as she came to known about  taehyung  .

She immediately went and hugged  the taehyung not even caring her hands where little muddy as she was working in garden.

Taehyung eyes watered feeling her presence  .he hugged her more tightly  .
Mr.sung have one only son who abounded her after his education and now he was staying in city .

Taehyung and his grandma took care of her in her tough time  she has very close bound  with him

"How are you my little tiger "mr.sung asked him move out and placed small kiss on older forehead  sneezing him tightly. She missed  him alot .

"Am very much fine my beautiful  how are you "Taehyung  asked her .

Jungkook   was back facing  older he saw how old women hugged him with those dirty and and other was not reacting to this .
He sat there with a scowl on his face .

He saw old lady and taehyung are approaching him .

Taehyung introduced  younger to mr
Sung . Her eyes lit uped when she found out the her tae bear have boyfriend. She was about  to touch younger cheeks but younger moved back .

"Sorry son my hands are little dirty  "mr.sung said .younger gave her a small nod with tight smile .

"You got  beautiful gem tae "she said.
She spoke some time with taehyung  left from there .

One by one everyone  left .younger stood there rubbing  his head when he saw how everyone  hugging  older .

"Taehyung  " he called him out .

He smile at younger "yes bun " .

"You look so tired taehyung  go and fresh up i will make something for us "jungkook said and went to kitchen fastly  .

Taehyung  went and freshed up. He  went to younger  back hugged him tightly  .

Younger signed and placed his hands above the older .

"Shall we eat you're very much tired "taehyung gave him small hum and kissed other neck before going to other side of the table.

Jungkook saw how older bruise are more visible  now .He need to treat them .

They moved there bedroom they are more to unpack bit they thought of doing it slowly  .

Younger took a first aid kit which he always had with .

They both sat at center of the bed .
He placed kit and moved closer to older and hugged  him tightly  and placed small kiss on his chest .

"Am soory hyungie because of my brother you had to go through all this "younger said and looked up .

Taehyung placed his strong around youngers  delicate  waist and moved him close leaving zero gap between  .

"Sometimes it is worth for   war bub "taehyung said and attached his lips to younger soft ones .

Younger tilted his lips too deepend the kiss .

Jungkook moved back after some time .

"Let me help you hyung "he said and started to treat the older while other was lying  on bed .


Stay with guys 🤐🤐

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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