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Taehyung froze on his spot when he heard that from jungkook .He looked towards to see weather other was joking but younger was not he was dead serious .

"What "this all taehyung can say .

Jungkook moved so close him his lips almost touching his ears .
"You heard me right just come to room don't think any dirty about it "jungkook said with small Smirk looking the how pale looked older look.

"I-i was not "taehyung said .

"Sure you were not "jungkook said giving small kiss on his Jaw and moved back .

Taehyung shivered when other plumpy lips touched his jaw .
He know he was just playing with him he composed himself .

And statred the car .

Taehyung stopped the car jungkook got down and went inside .

"Done with roaming around city boy now get to work "Mr.lee said and went away .

Taehyung signed and went inside to do the work .

Jungkook went inside room and sat on bed he was contemplating whatever he did it was everything new to him he have habit of sleeping even with him friends he is person who loves his personal space .But now heis allowing taehyung to enter his personal space .

Taehyung did all his work and now he was sitting on his bedroom he was about to lay on bed he got call.

"Come to my room "jungkook said and cutted the call.

Older took pillow with him before going to youngers room.

Taehyung stood up and went to first floor .
He knocked the door.
"Come in ".jungkook said .

Taehyung went jungkook pinned him to wall as soon as he went inside .

"Didn't I say you should sleep with me "Jungkook asked clutching his collar.

"Yes sir "taehyung said .

"Good sleep beside me "jungkook said .

He moved back but other was still not moving from his position.

Taehyung was thinking how he can sleep beside younger he had habit cuddling if he will touch him younger will definitely kill him.

Jungkook didn't liked his silence.
He grabbed taehyung collar and made him on bed and made himself comfortable on his lap.

Taehyung breath hitched when he saw younger was sitting in lap so close to each other .
He looked at younger .who wrapped his one hand Taehyung neck and other was placed on cheeks.

"What are thinking "younger said in low voice .

"I have habit of cuddling "taehyung said .

"So "jungkook and tracing older features.

"I may put hands and legs in you".

"I don't care just do what I said "jungkook said .

And kissed him on his lips .taehyung closed his eyes and he didn't return the kiss.

Younger got down and layed beside taehyung.
Taehyung slowly layed beside younger. But what younger did next he never thought in his dream .

He yanked older closer he held his head and brought closer to his neck wrapping him tight with other .

Taehyung was feeling in youngers embrace. It was warm and mostly importantly he can smell smoothing scent on him his favorite. He doesn't want to move.

"Sleep "jungkook said holding him closer .and bring taehyung hands ad placing it on his waist .

Taehyung smiled and closed his eyes.



Tell me do you like I really can't change old version .


There will more updates till Sunday .

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